Sorry, everybody.
As of late, I have been recieving incresing amounts of dormwork, and the finals will be here soon. I have barely enough time to finish the tasks I am assigned to do. BFS sounded really fun, but everything has become much to complicated. Carno still refuses to join the Aliens, and I can't fight an uphill battle against 4 other expirienced Story player while the alines are forced to suffer with 1 and a half. Plus, I have rekindled my intrest in D&D;, along with spirited (url="http://"") usage. I intend to purchase Diablo II as well as Starcraft: Brood War, and this will pretty much maximize all of my pleasure time. I will continue to play EV, and possibly develop as well (at a progressed rate), and I fully intend to download nova a bit after it's release.However, as for the webboards: Its over. Luke, tell those damn peasents to uncork the champagne, bring out the piΕatas, and start up the festivities again, as Lyra has officially left. BB has died, much to my regret, as all the attepmted "re-habilitation" ideas apparently failed. I would love to keep on BFS III, but, due to the aforementioned reasons, this is not an option. If anyone sees me on, I'm logged in as FordPrefect101, not like you'd care. Mac- Thanks for everything, you always helped.
So long, and thanks for all the flames!!!
(Sorry, just had to end with some sort of a bang.)