including outfits,-Sole
So does this mean that we have to describe what it looks like? How it works?
The facility for making G2 Azdaras at full production can produce 25 ships per RTD. This is the same as how many Adaras I can produce. If that is too many or too little then say so.
Gordontron, do you want me or kauthor to post the message about the attack on the renegades? Cresent
If you mean your meeting I do not care. Ok lets say you Cresent. If you mean the actual attack the exact date and method of attack has not been hammered out in character.
G2 Azdara: Now the Generation 2 Azdaras. The holovid in front of you has information about it.
The ship is green like most Azdgari ships and looks like a cross between an Azdara and Arada. It is about the length and width in both dimensions. Here are its stats:
A. Ship name: G2 Azdara
B. Shield: 450
C. Armor: 75
D. Acceleration: Very good (Azdara excellent)
E. Cargo space: 5
F. Weapon space: 60
G. Turning: Very Good (Azdara excellent)
H. Top speed: Excellent
I. Fuel: 10 jumps
J. Standard with: Azdgari Shield Generator, Azdgari Jamming Device, 4 forward facing Swivel Phase cannons (2 set in belly two set in top), 2 Shield Capacitors, (ooc: tell me if you think this one is unfair) 1 Dispersal rocket launcher plus 20 rockets
other notes: They are too big to fit in preexisting Azdara bays, and I need to figure out how many I can produce (I will look over the rules again)
Azdgari Shield Generator: You know the deal. It re energizes the shields much, much faster (but not as good as the one in the game) than they would ordinarily. It just looks like your water heater.
Azdgari Jamming Device:
Yes but this device not only jams all homing objects it also, in theory, it completely jams anything with a targeting system. In other words turrets will be useless against any ships that has this device. It takes up 5 space however because it is so powerful. It is 90% effective against missiles and homing projectiles. It is 85% effective against all turrets. It is mainly a computer device and looks like nothing interesting.
G2 Azdara manufacturing unit: This factory takes advantage of Xarnes history. Xarnes used to be a mining colony and there are many abandoned mines. These mines are monitored. This manufacturing unit is being produced down in one of the larger mines that have a huge cavern and many large tunnels. It needs to be enlarged and production equipment and security brought in. It already has some basic infrastructure due to its mining history and further more it is very strong since it was metal mine.
Cresent Station: The Council demands that the Azdgari keep the station in good condition. They do not say that they cannot destroy the station but building on it is never mentioned. To allow for a further plot line I have decided to give Cresent Station this characteristic: the station is in the shape of an hourglass. Both sides are enormous. One side is out of bounds to all nations except for the Council. The other half has no specific rules except it must be held intact by the Azdgari. The station is stable and has basic oxygen flowing.
Gordon P.
Edit: The G2 Azdara is going on this base:
A common cresent warship:
Speed 175
Acceleration 150
Turning 120°/sec
Shields 250
Armor 25
"Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
Long live the Azdgari!
"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"- George Shrub
(This message has been edited by Gordontron (edited 05-05-2003).)