OOC- Ne Demord Jamais, there was no post relating to you between your last two posts, and in fact, only one post in between. It's edgy ground, but I wouldn't have posted there. It's bad manners (and if you're going to do it, at least getting someone to exchange posts with, like I had RMA earlier!)
Also, Ne Demord Jamais, your production rate is being looked into. I'm think I've managed to convince Carnotaur that the Teh'Rak shouldn't be producind 10,000 ships at a rate of 70% warships to 30% fighters/boats every post, when a larger, more advanced government (mine! :)) is producing 6,500 ships a post at a rate of about 45.5% capitals (including frigates and light destroyers, not just warsips) to 54.5% fighters/gunboats.
Oh, and about 30,000 Izirions/post. Yes, I can do that, because they're light fighters. Heavily armed for 10 minutes (after that they run out of fuel to power their beamers), and very fast, but light fighters. I think 'dats 'bout fair, don't you? 'deh figures, 'dey don't lie, 'ya know. 
"I believe that is what we call 'bull****'," the chairman murmured idly, leaning back on his seat. "You're asking us to place forces in key systems - why should we believe that you're not intending to pull us out of position, and make a sweep through Lenars, Herona, Ebidos and Zeural?"
"You're really a political infant, aren't you? Look, we've seen evidence of some sort of virus effecting us both in the Shar' Nadda system. It seems to effect you more. We're going to clear out the opposing forces in that system, aided by the virus, and then we'll move out anyway and let the virus do its work while we work on defeating it when it spreads."
"If you're on the level, don't worry, we'll defend ourselves. You're not welcome here at the moment, however: even if I trusted you, I couldn't let a bunch of aliens with a brief history of unprecented murder on a massive scale stay around here. I'd advise you take the route through Lagarde out of our space ASAP, and stay out of the following events. We're not going to kill anyone who we don't need to, don't worry."
Aries Primus
With a large number of colonists fleeing from RA space, the cities of Aries Primus were finished and the colonies were beginning to thrive already. The first 250 ships produced in the system were titled the "Lords of Aries", and a parade involving them was held. Preparations were also made for the colonisation of Aries Secondus, and the shipyards of Aries Primus were being slowly increased. By the time Aries Secondus had been colonised, the output of this colony would have doubled, and then reached its maximum - for now.
Perhaps just in time, the Izirion project was moved from Herona, which was now classed as an extremely dangerous area. The project was very nearly completed, and once the first wave of Izirions had been produced, the Strand League would be able to continue their operation attacking Thalleon.
In the last week or so (3 posts), 19,500 new ships had been produced, reinforcing all systems. The Strand League now had 512,000 ships available, with just under 50,000 engaged in the Shar' Nadda system, over 100,000 spread out in Ring Alliance space (50,000 in Kassadar), 32,500 + 1500 Igazradas sent to various Thalleon systems and the rest in major defensive positions (100,000 or 50,000 ships in all entry-points it Igadzra proper and Zidagar proper, some uninhabited systems held with major forces, such as NSI-232).
Zirada Upgrade: 4/7
Izirion Fighter: 2/12
Cygna Cluster Outposts: 1/3 -halted-
Aries Primus Colonisation: Completed
Aries Secondus Colonisation: 5/5
Upgrading Shipyards with mass duplication: 2/5
-Lyat Esponer Corsair