Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Silver Horizon - Part I

      15 213 2307

      Posted Image

      Created Captain Carnotaur

      Moderated by SilverDragon and Thunder

      RED HORIZON started by Roostersw
      GOLDEN HORIZON started by Captain Carnotaur

      (url="http://"")Official Story Site(/url)

      Milky Way - Unavailible
      (url="http://"")Large Megallanic Cloud(/url)
      (url="http://"")Small Megallanic Cloud(/url)


      With the defeat of the Edien Empire in the Battle of Thorosk, war still rages on. The Edien Empire is crippled, and only barely manages to hold onto its remaining possessions in Andromeda. They must now face the combined strength of the Federation Alliance and Voinian Empire - the two governments that were primarily responsible for expelling the Ediens from the Milky Way, the Asani - a once-conquered race now bent on rebuilding their civillization, the Sladerei - the race that once fled and that has now returned for its revenge, and the Horosk - the same nemesis the Ediens have been fighting for years.

      In the Large Megallanic Cloud, the rest of the Akrahd Clans have revealed themselves, and all-out-war is on the horizon. The Valanor and their mysterious ways, the might Tronoak and their pawns the Gamaera and Arkanok, the devious Thalleon intent on retaking the place of lead clan, and the Teh’Rak and their advanced weapons and ships. There is also the Lavrii, a thorn in the Akrahd’s side for decades. With their huge armies of genetically enhanced super-warriors, the Lavrii hold off invasion after invasion of Akrahd warships, meanwhile trying to cheat their neighbors the Miranu, Azdgari, and Kayans.

      In the Milky Way, the Federation Alliance has given up much of their former bases and colonies to the refugee races, now returned to their old homes. Hundreds of cities, colonies, coreworlds, and bases have been rebuilt, but you can still see the scar of oppression and devastation the Ediens caused.

      And in far-off IC-1613, an ancient evil is brooding, and preparing for war. An evil so great, no one may be able to stand in their way...

      The Silver Horizon, has begun.



      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • Horosk
      Horosk Prime span in the void, a great jewel of the Horosk Union. A blemished jewel though, scars of the Rarkyl occupation still showing. When the Horoth had come, 24 great BattleStations had overseen the systems safety. Now 50 BattleStations covered the system, built by the Horosk to replace those the Rarkyl destroyed, more powerful and larger than the old ones. Their construction had kept the Horosk Union in the midst of a depression longer than had been needed, but the Horosk would not allow their capital to fall again.


      Parliamentery Buildings - Government House
      Chairman RMA sighed as he watched his cabinet squabble over what to do about the economy, naval deployments, research initiatives, and anything which could possibly be decided by them. They had been talking for 15 minutes, cabinet members floating round as they chatted, but it was time to actually decide. Chairman RMA hit the wall with the cabinet mallet, calling the meeting to order.
      'The Navy heads are insisting that their weapons are underpowered, and urging us to vote through this new weapon system for deployment. R&D; divisions say the task should be simple. Projections show a fair fighting power increase. It is approved, and hopefully it should keep the military happy for a while. Complaints about the beam being bright green serve no purpose.'
      'But in news reports, it makes our force slook decidely uncoordinated. It lowers morale in the forces!'
      'Minister Verni, your comment have no place, and your own investigation showed our military couldnt care less about the matter. Any more complaints and you will be barred for several meetings. Now, I believe Minister Farrel has a report on our economic status.'
      Minister Farrel blinked slowly, and called up several large holographic projections charting the improvement in the Horosk economy of late.
      'Our shipbuilding capacity is at about 70%, producing in the region of 5500 ships, as you can see, but it will take more work in order to bring the shipyards back to 100% capacity. At the moment, the shipyards are busy constructing numerous Carriers and Cruisers, but not so many Frigates due to the fact the least losses where taken among them. I recomend we repair our shipyards as soon as possible.
      'For the civilian economy, recovery is good, and it has been boosted by the Thoron generators we have brought online. While not as good as the Neutrino generators, they are easier for civilian industry to build, and we had many in storage due to the Horoth reclamation. they have allowed us to bring online more services, as well as more duplicators.
      'I also have a report from the University of Horosk Minor, and they can make it possible to create a new generation of computer design that would be able to manage our economy at various stages. A report has been downloaded to everyones datalink.'
      'Thank you for that report Farrel. I will approve shipyard repairs straight away. I believe Minister Jenia had a report on our diplomatic relations with the various governments in Andromeda, but he is busy with family matters. A summary has been uploaded to your datalinks, and he should be able to inform us later. This meeting is adjourned for the 3 o' clock akkran throwing.'


      AP Beam Strip Technical Information
      The AP Beam Turret has been becoming a staple of Horosk ship design, being used to shoot down incoiming projectiles and fighters, while providing 360° coverage against other threats. However, the Horosk military has complained that the turret mechanism is still bulky, and while it can track extremely fast, it has meant several ships have been destroyed due to faulty interceptions. Therefore, the Bureau of Research and Development in co-operation with the Bureau of Weapons has been looking into new methods. The result seems to be the AP Beam Strip. It will be composed of a long strip, be able to be fitted to a ships hull, and be made up of numerous AP Beam emitters. While individually smaller and weaker than the emitter used by the AP Beam Turret, they will be linked up, allowing power to be channelled between emitters as needed. The beam emittedwill be capable of being directed at almost any angle by a single emitter, and by just transfering the output to a different emitter, the beam will be adjusted to fire in different directions immediately. The output of the beam will be higher than the old AP Beam, as well as having a marginally longer range. The production would take longer, but luckily most of the work can easily be done in duplicators.
      ETA:8 posts

      Horosk Shipyard Repair Information
      The Horosk shipyards were severly damage by the Rarkyl, and rebuilding has gone slowly, and finally it has been decided to spend sufficient resources on them. Total capacity is expected to rise considerably from 70% as current, to near 100%
      ETA:5 posts


      DataLink:Akkran Fruit
      The Akkran is a fruit from the Horosk homeworld that has amazing splatter capabilities. Through the centuries, it somehow became a weekly activity for high-level governmental ministers and workers to take part in thowing this fruit as hard as possible at targets shaped like Edien and Rarkyl warships. Rewards are given out based on how well people destroy their targets, and the amount of spllatering. No one actually eats the fruit though, since it tastes horrible and leaves a very bad aftertaste.


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      Total Constructed: 5500 ships

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-25-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-26-2002).)

    • Strand League

      Titan was the new capital of the Zidagar culture, and the activity of the system showed that. Miranu freighters were extremely numerous, both importing and exporting goods, or transferring it to larger short-range bulk freighters which would take goods through protected space to other Strand League worlds. The presence of the Zidagar Space Navy was also felt, but in a slightly differently way that would be expected in most patrol fleets.

      The two Ziradas made a deadly dance around each other, arcing high and turning back into a U-turn while the other cut around and tried to intercept. Their dance was complex, intricate, and only vaguely resembled a dogfight. Every now and then, one of them would line up their target sights and fire - mostly the second one, as the first effortlessly danced away. The Zirada pilot being chased was definately the superior one, leading the other on as the 'predator' of their little dance.

      "Idune, would you care to give me a chance?" the second pilot hailed to the first, his voice, without visual, showing his humour.

      "Why commander, if I try any less I'll probably crash into an asteroid," came Idune's voice, dripping with affectionate sarcasm. "In fact, I'm rather surprised that you haven't yet, Teraoph."

      "Bite your tongue," he muttered, and launched his fighter's afterburners to catch up, opening fire. Idune, however, proved far too skilled for that, when she dived down under Teraoph's fighter, and rose behind him to open fire on his engines.

      Both of the fighters were Duellist equipped, in that instead of shields they had armour plating and their weapons were all light damage, disabling variants. As such, Idune's fire quickly disabled the engine's on Teraoph's ship, leaving the fighter dead in space.

      "You should really pay more attention, Teraoph," noted Idune idly.

      "You're going to pay for that," Teraoph replied darkly.

      "I can't wait."

      "Lariat, message for you from Silverbridge," came Dacona's voice. The middle aged figure of Dacona, Igadran and Kayan, stepped to Lariat's side. Lariat, who had been engaged in various writings, quickly looked up.

      "Thank you, Dacona," he answered formally. He pushed the writings aside and stood. Lariat was a heavily built, pure Igadzran, and despite his passive manner outside the battlefield, he was one of the greatest Igadzran warriors alive. "How is the training going for our new captains?"

      Dacona was a smaller man, with some Kayan blood in him which seemed to balance out his personality into a more cool, collective manner in any situation. He was the subcommander of IGNA where Lariat was the commander, and he was the only warrior who could beat Lariat in space; yet didn't come close physically. "They're getting there. I suggest we reinforce them into Karvok's armada. Karvok is an experienced enough man that he can put our new captains into better tactical shape."

      Lariat nodded slightly, and then left, at his own pace, to answer the communication from Silverbridge. The message was, unsurprisingly, an update from the Ministry of Defence. This one, however, was of a slightly different nature.

      {From: Ministry of Defence, Silverbridge}
      {To: Commander Lariat, Gateway}

      We request that you immediately prepare a number of IGNA ships amounting to 3250, in accordance with the standard 1:20:30:49 ratio, for an attack on the Akrahd controlled system of Zellar, after meeting with a similar 3250-strong standard ZSN fleet in the Gamsis system. You are to employ the 5th IGNA Reef strategy, under co-operative plan "W" with the ZSN. This battle will commence in 96 hours. The usual penalties stand for failure to comply.

      {end of transmission}

      Lariat laughed out loud after listening to the communication, and Dacona appeared at the door. "Anything interesting going on?" Dacona asked dryly.

      "MoD have 'ordered' us to make an attack on Zellar within ninety six hours," Lariat replied, still laughing somewhat.

      "A raid or invasion?" Dacona asked, his eyes suddenly alight.

      "It looks like a continuous wave raid. A very costly tactic, sometimes, but effective. I'm going to be hard pressed to be there in ninety six hours, but... we'll do it."

      Two Strand League battlefleets, each numbering somewhat over three thousand, met in the Gamsis system, on the border between Strand League and the Akrahd. Gamsis was a major industrial system, with six inhabited planets, two of which were rich in valuable ores, and a third being a massive kyhdron plantation. To protect Gamsis, numerous silos were now being built, as of several hours ago, and a similar process was taking place in the industrially inferior, domestically superior Afion.

      ZSN reached Gamsis before IGNA, but only by a few hours. Lieutenant Trazior of the IGNA battlefleet "Claymore" and marshall DŽlamone of the ZSN battlefleet "Lightning Forge" conferred briefly aboard Trazior's personal Igazrada, before their combined force quickly entered sub-space in a flash of sapphire, and made its way swiftly to Zellar.

      Six and a half thousand Strand League ships left sub-space in the Zellar system, heavily protected by Akrahd forces. Claymore quickly moved into the 5th IGNA reef, with Izars forming a complex flank and Izagras placed to protect the weaker Irada frigates. The thirty two Igazradas in Claymore took positions near the front of the reef, mixed in with Iradas and Izagras. The reef moved into a slow advance, while a large number of Scarab discs were launched at the Akrahd's heaviest vessels - capital warships and the like. They were unable to evade the discs, and their range and firepower made them extremely deadly. Several of the largest warships quickly fell under concentrated fire, while particle railguns focused on the smaller Akrahd ships - deadly accurate snipers picking them off one at a time.

      Lightning Forge broke into two groups and came around the far flanks, falling upon the massive Akrahd defence force from the flanks. At lightning speed they threw themselves into the fray as IGNA continued to make its way slowly towards the fleet, battering them as they went. Lightning Forge was fast and precise, and the power of kyhdron beamers combined with duelbeam was far superior to the Akrahd's own weaponry.

      However, the Strand League force was outnumbered four to one, and although their ships were superior in logistics and technology, the battle would quickly turn to the Akrahd's side should reinforcements fail to arrive.

      103 Aries
      In the depths of the Small Megellanic Cloud, Ring Alliance scouts had discovered the fertile Aries Cluster, and the two systems - 103 Aries and 156 Aries - that were the only way in or out of the cluster. From the Ring Alliance headquarters in Kassadar, a communication was quickly held with the Strand League Council of Four, stationed in Persephone, and an agreement was reached.

      Two outposts, primarily with military purposes and of mediocre specifications, would be built - one in 103 Aries and its sister in 156 Aries. A fleet of twenty thousand ships would be stationed in each system during the construction and after. Once the key to the Aries Cluster lay in the hands of the Ring Alliance, the fertile lands beyond could be colonised - starting with Aries Primus, a duel-star solar system with seventeen planets, eight of them easily habitable and all of those with an important resource.

      Cintrial (OOC: "Outpost 5" on the map)

      Cintrial, the Strand League's top secret military weapon research base, was in a height of activity. Cintrial had been where the duelbeam system had been developed, and was also the centre of the Disc Project. It was also in Cintrial that the designs for the Federation, Voinian, Igadzran, Zidagar and Miranu shipyards had come together to develop the highly advanced zero-gravity hangars that now served as the Strand League's rather unconventional shipyards. These hangars were often buried underground to survive possible bombardment, and ships were now constructed in a joint effort between worker drones and nanites in perfect unison.

      Now, Cintrial was involved in the next stage of the Disc Project. Two days ago, the Ministry of Defence, authorised by the Council itself, had sent a message to Cintrial's headquarters requesting that the designs of the "Scorpion" disc now be drawn up and prepared.

      The Scorpion disc was a modification of the Scarab disc used by all IGNA ships, but to replace the redfire dispersal rocket which was now classed as outdated. They retained the basic features of the disc - armoured exterior, a shape that helped them avoid point defence weaponry, and a large frame. Scorpion discs, however, lacked the basic guiding and turn system of the Scarab, as they were instead more along the lines of the rocket. Scorpion discs were fast moving, long ranged rockets, and their main speciality was to be their blast radius, easily capable of hitting and hopefully destroying between two and ten fighters at a time. Despite this, they would retain a powerful yield, mostly due to the fact that they lacked the extensive guiding system and fuel compartments of the Scarab disc.

      A report had already been sent back to the Ministry of Defence headquarters on the Silverbridge that the Scorpion disc would begin development within a matter of hours. The zeal of the scientists of Cintrial was unsurpassed.

      Herona was an early colony in comparison to many of the planets in Large Megellanic Cloud, but the low gravity and availability of massive amounts of precious ore, as well as the proximity of the kyhdron fields in Ebidos, the third greatest in all Strand League, made the planet Herona perfect for the construction of warships. It was also the the headquarters of the publically non-existant Zidagar Elite Navy, led by the equally non-existant Saravonna val Izma. In fact, the existance of ZEN was so secret that only seven people in the Ministry of Defence knew of its existance, the Council of Four, and one other man who went by the name of Corsair, retired subcommander of the ZSN and retired commander of the ZSF.

      It was on Herona that an equally secret project had begun, with only a handful of people knowing the "entire picture". The project was the Izirion - a fighter armed for short, raiding combat, extremely fast and well shielded enough to survive for its average engagement time of thirty seconds.

      Extensive plans were being written up and evaluated, although the specifics had not yet been assertained.

      Strand League

      Izirion Light-fighter: 16/16 posts
      Scorpion Disc: 12/12 posts

      Aries Cluster Outposts: 3/3 posts

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

    • Grunadulater looked out at the void of Darkspace from his piloting hood on his Hyperion. The hood enabled him to see what the ship saw. He was part of an expedition to colonize more systems. The new aliens that had come into this galaxy with machine ships, ships much like the Firebird. Grunadulater wondered what they wanted, as did the rest of the Shar’ Nadda. He knew, though, that his primary objective was to colonize as many systems as possible so that the machine ships would stay away. The Aliens seemed afraid of the Shar’ Nadda... No, it wasn’t fear. It was more like an observation feeling. Grunadulater, like most other Shar’ Nadda, felt that the Aliens were not here to harm the galaxy. They were just curious. But... the fact that they came from a whole separate galaxy... it made the Nadda Overlords very interested.
      A young Shar’ Nadda pilot and his Latcher were scouting for any other life in the galaxy. The pilot knew there was none; he had looked over this system hundreds of times. Oh well. As he came out of Darkspace in the system, he was surprised. The Latcher jumped backwards in disbelief, as did the pilot. There were other ships in the system. And so began knowledge of the Aliens.
      Grunadulaters thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a huge, green planet that had come into view. It would be a great place for a new queen to spawn. Grunadulater heard a sound behind him, and whipped around, claws in motion as well. One set of claws had sliced the Rui-staff in half, the other set were now embedded in the attackers throat. The pulled his claws out, and backed away. A hole appeared in the ship where the attacker lay, and the Nadda fell in. The ship then spit him, along with a glob of plasma, out in to space. Such was the life of many Overlords that had the immense power the Grunadulater had.
      A Latcher flew in Darkspace until it reached the nearest planet with Alien inhabitance. It flew in space near other Alien ships. It flew at medium speed, waiting for something to escort it down...
      "Oops, I think I killed it..."-Me

      (This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • Valenna
      The mysterious alien ship was quickly hailed on every available frequency by the command in Valenna.

      {From: Valenna Command, Valenna}
      {To: N/A, 4517:3229:2012, Valenna}

      Leave immediately.

      {end transmission}

      A wing of Ziradas quickly moved into firing range of the vessel, while Izars prepared to vaporise the vessel with railgun fire should the situation become necessary. Meanwhile, Valenna command quickly sent a message back to Kassadar - to the capital of the Ring Alliance - where the situation would be considered and information sent back to the Strand League immediately.

      One thing was certain, however. This alien race was not to be allowed near Valenna or any other border system, under any circumstances. Ring Alliance space was off limits for anyone not without a pass, and even should good terms be achieved with these mysterious, unexplainable aliens, they would not be allowed to enter any system belonging to the Ring Alliance.

      "What exactly are they?" questioned an aging Igadzran intently. The messanger looked somewhat uncomfortable.

      "We're not entirely sure. The sensory division informed us that they were going to scan the alien vessel immediately for peculiar readings, and that the process would take only a few minutes."

      "You just came from the relay net?" the Igadzran asked, sitting back down with a faint sigh. The messanger nodded. "Patch that frequency into this room."

      The messanger quickly walked over to a console and did as he was asked, and after a few moments, the message from the sensory division on Valenna came through, if somewhat distorted.

      "It's definately not a ship," came the voice from a young but serious Zidagar. "It's emitting readings that strongly suggest its organic - perhaps even a sentient lifeform in itself, although I'm not sure. The readings are slightly erratic, so I'm tempted to suggest it has a crew. I'm positive its not armed, at least not heavily, and its movement appears to be through gravitational distortions - there are no ion trails or temporal waves being formed in its wake."

      The report continued for several more minutes, although the important information had already passed. The aging Igadzran thanked the Zidagar over the network, and closed the link. He then turned to the messanger.

      "The earlier orders stand. The alien will leave or be fired upon. I'd advise against diplomacy with them, although I will have to contact the Council before any major decisions can be made."

      Another battlefleet comprised of IGNA and ZSN ships entered the fray at Argon, of the same size and composition as the one that moved into Zellar. Argon being a less formal border world, the defences were slightly inferior, but the fleet was still considerably outnumbered from the start.

      ZSN moved around the far side of the system towards the hyper-exit from Tronos under covering railgun and disc fire. When IGNA moved into that position and formed their standard reef, ZSN were able to charge into the sway, targetting the middle sized Akrahd vessels, dragging them down twenty at a time, while IGNA shredded Akrahd fighters with the particle railgun and started tearing apart capital warships.

      Strand League

      Izirion Light-fighter: 15/16 posts
      Scorpion Disc: 11/12 posts

      Aries Cluster Outposts: 2/3 posts

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • Horosk
      Horosk Prime
      Parliamentery Buildings - Government House
      Chairman RMA floated back into the Cabinet Room, and saw his cabinet awaiting, for once not squabbling between themselves, but actually reading over the diplomatic reports.
      'So good to see that everyone is getting uptodate on the current situations. Has everyone read the bit about the Asani situation?' The ministers quickly gave their assent, and RMA continued. 'Good, then you know we cant just leave them stewing away. We need to try and get a trade and hopefully a military defence pact into operation. Agreed?' Once again assent was given. The cabinet rarely went against the Chairman, generations of tradition and loyalty mixed in with a bit of fear over what would hapen if they didnt.
      'Good, now, onto the Sladerei...'


      Message To: Asani Federation
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject: Trade and Military
      The Horosk would like to offer a non-aggression treaty to the Asani Federation, as well as the possibility of trade. We believe this may help improve relations between us, as well as allowing both of us to concentrate on the Asani Pirates who terrorise us both. We hope for a welcome response, and invite you to our homeworld if you wish. We would also like to apologise for past misdeeds of various Horosk, but we consider them in the same light you would consider the Pirates.
      Message Ends


      AP Beam Strip Technical Information
      Research into the AP Beam Strip proceeds apace. Scientists are currently working on linking together the multiple emitters, and tests done so far have ended explosively. R&D; says they will fix the problem soon.
      ETA:7 posts

      Horosk Shipyard Repair Information
      Repairs continue, and shipyard efficiency has been boosted to 74%. Due to the way repairs must be done, the last stages of the repairs will see bigger improvements.
      ETA:4 posts


      DataLink:Horosk Government Building
      The Horosk Government Buildings represent the way the Horosk live and move. The building itself seems to be a collection of bubbles shoved together, and this is essentially what the building is. Thousands of bubbles are interlinked together, long oval passageways in the midst for easier access. Other races who have visited it have professed the building not only looks strange, but trying to navigate inside it is almost impossible. However, the Horosk like it, and with their ability to float easily, it makes a lot of sense for them.


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      5800 Ships Produced

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • Strand League

      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge}
      {To: Horosk Union}

      We currently have a number of wars and hostilities on our hands, and we understand that you also have a similarily difficult situation. Considering that the Federation, Voinians, Azdgari, Miranu and Kayans cannot claim to be in such as predicament as you and I, we must confess to feel a somewhat unity with you. The bravery and determination of your brothers the Horoth is to be admired, and we have great respect for them.

      We wish to open relations with your people, and we hope that together we will both be able to improve our chances of defending ourself from our misfortunate enemies.

      {end transmission}

      The Council of Four swiftly replied to the Igadzran who acted as prime minister of the Ring Alliance, confirming their doubts and informing them that the aliens should be fired upon if they attempt to enter any Ring Alliance solar system once they have left.

      They also sent a message to the Kayans on the subject of the Akrahd clans.

      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge}
      {To: Kayans}

      Friends, I am sure you are aware that our systems fully protect yours from the Akrahd. As is our nature, we wish to go on the offensive against our enemies, instead of remaining in a defensive posture. We would be extremely grateful if you could supply from aid - especially in the former Horoth regions - purely for means of defence.

      Remember, it's your border also.

      Thank you.

      {end transmission}

      156 Aries
      Construction was going very smoothly, with the amount of resources placed into the short project. The outpost in 156 Aries, to be known as First Sentinel, paired with the Second Sentinel, would be complete within the next few days. A more permanent base would be established later - for now, all that was necessary was a defensive perimeter to only a more major colonisation of Aries Primus.

      The battlefleets in 156 Aries made regular patrols two systems in all directions, while sending scouts out through the Aries Cluster, taking down information on all the planets present.

      The production of the Scorpion disc hit its first problem over the matter blast radius:damage ratio. Many scientists were insistant that lowering the damage too far would make the Scorpion disc utterly useless, while others argued that a greater blast radius, when combined with multiple discs, would be absolutely devastating against fighter squadrons.

      The former side mostly won out, although something or a compromise was made. The conclusion came when a member of the ZSN strolled into the complex, drew a kyhdron pistol and demanded exactly how it was to be done, down to an addition that the disc would absolutely have to be purple. The rather firm ultimatum was taken well, and the scientists continued their work.

      The member of the ZSN then went aboard his Starglider, and set off for Titan to see a daughter of his, and to talk to her about the current situation - and the Ministry of Defence's plans.

      The Izirion continued without any major problems, although a supply of kyhdron crystals would be needed for the production of various beamers, which would need to be tested before being fitted to the prototype design.

      The Izirion's armanent would be four kyhdron beamers, one or two disc launchers and the capability to launch up to ten of any form of disc. Some weapon space was also purposefully left over in light of information of a later weapon that would be outfitted on the Izirion. The fighter was intended to be fast, light and well armed for short engagements, if somewhat lacking in shielding. Etheron 3.5 thoron engines from the Zirada were sent from Titan to Herona via Persephone, as well as other subassemblies from Cerberus.

      Strand League

      Izirion Light-fighter: 14/16 posts
      Scorpion Disc: 10/12 posts

      Aries Cluster Outposts: 1/3 posts

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • Message To: Strand League
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject: Alliances
      The Horoth well remember the Igadzra crusades against the Akrahd, and they thank you for them. In the galaxies, having friends is indeed an asset, and we welcome your offer. We invite you to come to Horosk Prime for discussions.
      Message Ends


      AP Beam Strip Technical Information
      Linked Ap beam strips have stopped exploding after some hard work, and now scientists are busy seeing what happens when they link more than 2.
      ETA:6 posts

      Horosk Shipyard Repair Information
      Repairs continue, and shipyard efficiency has been boosted to 79%. Work is going well.
      ETA:3 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      6200 Ships Produced

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • Redchigh relaxed in his office, looking out the window at the ever-growing skyline of Rutha, the main continent of Deneba. Located almost directly on the equator, it's the warmest, most comfortable continent on the planet...
      However Redchigh was not looking out at the weather, nor did the Arena outside his window hold his attention for long. He liked fights, but he had something else on his mind. He was daydreaming of his power as a Renegade leader...

      He let out a heavy sigh. Even though the Azdgariwere stronger, they didn't have quite the honor Red had as a Renegade... He turned around to his desk.
      There was a request by the ResDev department...something about kamikaze azdaras...
      He ignored it, and thinking about his past, makes an important decision.
      Just because he has a new government, doesn't mean it can't change.
      Red turned to the window, and vowed to make the Azdgari the most it could be...
      With the first step setting up old RA alliances as quickly as possible, with immediate tech trades... The Strand league is unpredictable... Who knows when their treason will take place....

      Message to: Horoth (c/o Horosk)
      From: REDchigh, Renegade Alliance Commander, C/O Azdgari Raiders
      Greetings old friends! It's me.. Im sure you remember me, right? heh. Anyway, I was thinking, I need to sort of reevaluate Azdgari techs and other minor details... where can we hold a conference?

      "And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
      ~Diane Kinsman
      (little known philosopher, early 21st century)

    • Strand League

      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge}
      {To: Horosk Union}

      A diplomat is being dispatched to Horosk Prime immediately, although it will be some time until they arrive. We would ask of you exactly what your situation is while the diplomat makes her journey. Only when we know what is happening in Andromeda can we truly evaluate the situation at hand.

      {end transmission}

      156 Aries
      With the outposts complete, a quick change of plans was made, and the construction fleet was sent to 11 Tauri and 14 Tauri, to meet with another defence fleet, where another pair of outposts would be produced. Meanwhile, a fleet was dispatched to defend 12 and 13 Cygnas and search deep within that cluster.

      Once the other clusters had been investigated, the planned colony at Aries Primus would begin development.

      Mesual Eriqui, a Zidagar diplomat of considerable status, set off aboard her Starglider, the Rainbow Dream , under an escort of sixteen Izars. She would make her way across two galaxies to Andromeda, and Horosk Prime.

      Strand League

      Izirion Light-fighter: 13/16 posts
      Scorpion Disc: 9/12 posts

      Tauri Cluster Outposts: 3/3 posts

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • Message To: Strand Union
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject: Talks
      Currently the Horosk are recovering from an invasion by the Rarkyl, which was luckily repusled with the help of the Sladerei. The Ediens still amass on our border, and we have a slightly hostile species to the galactic north of us, who seem to dislike us for actions by individual members of our species. We hope that the fact that a large number of them have set themselves up as Pirates will cause them to reconsider. The Federation has almost closed its border with the Ediens, with barely any contact. The Voinian Empire fights bravely against the Ediens, and it takes much pressure off of our allies, the Sladerei.

      We wish your diplomat a quick journey.
      Message Ends


      Message To: Azdgari Empire
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject: Talks
      The Horoth thank you for your message, and the Horosk Union thanks you for remembering. We invite you to Horosk prime for talks. We wish you speed.
      Message Ends


      AP Beam Strip Technical Information
      The emitter linkups have gone well, and now scientists are working on improving the emitter matrix.
      ETA:5 posts

      Horosk Shipyard Repair Information
      Repairs continue, and shipyard efficiency has been boosted to 86%.improvements.
      ETA:2 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      6760 Ships Produced

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • As the Alien ships tried to shoo the Latcher away, the pilot was confused. He thought for a moment, then made his Latchers legs sort of shoo all other ships away. The ship then turned and sped back into darkspace.
      Small fleets of about 500 Latchers are set up in the following systems and will shoo off any ships that come into the system. These systems are:
      One Marek was sent to Paraen to colonise the planet.
      One Marek was sent to Abora to colonise the planets.
      One Marek was sent to Bokal to colonise the planet.
      One Marek was sent to Ipatal to colonise the planet.
      One Marek and One Hypersion were sent to Versunas to colonise the planets.
      One Marek was sent to Thiar to colonise the planet.
      One Marek was sent to Esunal to colonise the planet.
      Colonisation of Versunas: 1 post
      Colonisation of all other planets with Mareks: 1 post after eachother.

      "Oops, I think I killed it..."-Me

    • Strand League

      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge}
      {To: Federation Alliance}

      The Strand League thus states a complete declaration of independance from the Federation, including the end of the Federation's offers to help defend out borders. We ask that you recognise us as an equal power, and we will do so also.

      All Strand League systems are off limits to unauthorised Federation military vessels, including the systems of Igadzra, Innor, Zidagar and Saffera. Military traffic of yours must find another way around these systems - we refuse to allow the creation of long-term passes. We will not be patronised by the Federation.

      Please note, we are making no action of hostility against you - we recognise our peace treaty with your government - but we do not wish to be viewed as in any way inferior, and must take decisive action to prevent such ideas from coming into existance.

      {end transmission}

      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge}
      {To: Horosk Union}

      Our situation is somewhat more interesting, if I may say so myself. Six seperate Akrahd clans all express hostility towards us - the Tronoak, Thalleon, Valanor, Arkanok, Gamaera and Teh'Rak. We are currently engaged with the Thalleon in a major continuous wave-style raid, and are hoping to cripple down within the next few months. The Tronoak lie beyond them, and stand as the most powerful of the Akrahd clans. Currently, they only have access to the Lavrii and other Akrahd clans, but we are concerned of a full-scale engagement with them becoming a major concern in the future. Between us and the clans of Gamaera, Valanor and Teh'Rak lie the abandoned depths of old Arkadi space - the clan that with your help we destroyed. We have one hundred thousand ships patrolling the area, based from the Citadel in the system of Arkadi itself, acting as an advanced warning.

      In addition to this, we have met an alien race in the Small Megellanic Cloud system, and have yet to learn of their intent. We cannot risk a war with them, as it would put us out of position to fight the Akrahd.

      We know of the Rarkyl - an Igadzran within our ranks was killed by one some time ago. Tell me, do you fare against them any better than the warrior Haar did? And rest assured, the Strand League will see the destruction of the Rarkyl, once our situation with the Akrahd is somewhat eased.

      6500 more ships joined the fray.

      6500 more ships joined the fray.

      6500 more ships made their way towards Argus in another attack.

      Strand League

      Izirion Light-fighter: 12/16 posts
      Scorpion Disc: 8/12 posts

      Tauri Cluster Outposts: 2/3 posts

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • “One minute and thirty seconds until aft cargo bay decompression,” said the Raven’s voice. Sojin ran down the corridors of Deck Five, shouting curse after curse as he raced towards the cargo bay. God, but he hated system malfuctions when it came to his cargo.

      Sojin turned a corner and found a deck ladder leading to Deck Six, and with a skill born of a lifetime on this ship, he slid down it to the deck below him. The alarms blared and the alarm lights flashed blue with this particular alert. “One minute twelve seconds and counting.”

      Sojin grimaced as he reached the deck floor and continued on. If he didn’t do this manually, half his cargo would be spread over hyperspace. He didn’t want to plan on getting only half his money for this run. When he returned to his last port the Raven had come from, he was going to strangle that dock tech. Burn those fools for telling him that the Raven’s cargo bay systems needed upgrading! She had been working fine beforehand.

      “Forty-five seconds until decompression. Better hurry!” The voice went on and on.

      Sojin turned another corner and found himself staring at the cargo bay doors. Without pausing to even rest, the captain took one stride towards the console to the side and his fingers started working. He was really going to kill that Zidagar if it were the last thing he did. A Telak slug could do better!

      “Thirty-two seconds...”

      Sojin cut the voice off as he worked by shouting, “For God’s sake, shut up Raven!” When the Raven’s voice didn’t respond, Sojin allowed himself a smile as he hit the last pannel. Three seconds passed before there was any response and the cargo bay opened to reveal a good deal many crates and boxes. And one holographic image of a blue eyed and black haired woman, perhaps twenty-three years old dressed in a spacer’s normal jump suit. She stood with her hands folded and waiting patiently.

      Sojin heaved a relieved sigh and when the hologram opened her mouth, he raised a finger and muttered, “Not one bloodly word, Raven, or else you’ll not get a piece of that technician.” That seemed to work because the hologram only nodded and muttered angrily wordlessly.

      Sojin looked around for a moment before stepping in and walking to a crate and tapping a few keys on the lock. The door opened on top to reveal a good deal of small arms of various designs. Picking up a pulse riffle and examining it he said, “These will fetch a good price on Titan. Enough to see us out of the game for a while, wouldn’t you think?”

      Raven only smiled and nodded. So that is how it is, is it? “Perhaps enough to let me retire and sell you for spare parts, as well.”

      Raven’s jaw dropped and she worked her mouth wordlessly before getting out, “You wouldn’t even dare, Sojin Kiran! You...” She clamped her mouth shut and blinked before saying, “We’ve just jumped into realspace. Setting a course towards Titan and prearranged coordinates.”

      Sojin nodded and put the riffle back in the crate, locking it up with his security code. As he turned, he said, “Now haven’t you learned I would sell you, Raven? Be like selling a child. Very wrong.”

      The door closing cut off any reply.

      Sojin Kiran was a born spacer, having been born on the Raven twenty-two years ago. During that time, his father and mother were refugees in the Large Magellan Clould galaxy, fled from the Milky Way when a race called the Ediens came. His father had been a ship and systems’ genius, the Raven being his pride and joy. A Lazria, she was very much sentinet in terms of intelligence and emotions, capable of helping out with ship routines. When his mother had died in childbirth, Raven had been a help in rasing him. Sojin was a smuggler, and a fine pilot in his own right. He had made a fortune in the small arms market in this galaxy since he was sixteen. Raven had been a great help as well, though she had to be rebooted or else be erased to the base AI she had been.

      Sojin’s skills were many, a combination of his father’s skills in systems, a weapons exepert, and a fine pilot. He did what he wanted to and flew where he wished to. In his six years in the game, Sojin had made a profit selling weapons and running them in the black market. The best of it was, that he was seldom cheated and had few rivals. Those had an unfortunate tendecy to disappear.

      Sojin reached the entry hatch to the checked his pulse pistol’s charge and nodded before pulling a data crystal from his belt and nodded, replacing it quickly. Checking his PDA and his handlink, he leaned against a bulkhead and waited for the descent of his ship.

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

    • Horosk
      Horosk Prime
      Parliamentery Buildings - Government House
      Chairman RMA had finally gotten away from the endless Cabinet Meetings, and was now going over military reports. One caught his eye, as it suggested a way to shorten the border with the Ediens, allowing the Horosk to concentrate their forces. It would not take long to emplace simple fortifications in the system either. RMA sent approval and mvoed onto other reports.


      **Message To: Strand Union
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject: Talks
      We are sorry to hear about the Akrahd clans. Please allow us to do some research and look into force levels, and we may be able to assist. The Plight of the Horoth has come to mean a great deal to all Horosk, and we do not like the Akrahd.
      Message Ends


      AP Beam Strip Technical Information
      Research proceeds well, and military people are already making great sounds over this.
      ETA:4 posts

      Horosk Shipyard Repair Information
      Repairs continue, and shipyard efficiency has been boosted to 93%.improvements.
      ETA:1 post

      Defence Station and fortifications in Tiradsjad 1. ETA:3 posts


      (b)Horosk Shipyard Construction**
      7300 Ships Produced

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-25-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-26-2002).)

    • Grunadulater was not happy. The Aliens didn't like them, and they appeared agressive. They might attack at any minute. They-... Grunadulater calmed himslef. These Aliens had no reason to attack. Why would they? They had just come from who knows where. Grunadulater stopped in mid-thought. He knew where. Another galaxy. He needed to see what was in that other galaxy. The feeling the pilot had felt from the Aliens were not mad at the Shar' Nadda. They were frusterated(sp?). Maybe the Shar' Nadda needed to see what they were frusterated(sp?) about...
      A Latcher flew back to Valenna. As the enemy fighters came, it tried as hard as it could to feel the Aliens emotions. Far too late, however, the Latcher was shot with weapons. It's Carapace was terrably singed when the pilot thought as hard as it could about peace, then limped back to the Shar' Nadda.
      In Gno'v, the Latcher landed and was taken care of. The pilot was not so lucky. He was barely alive when he muttered a few words and though about war, then died.
      (Thought transmission to Valenna system)
      (Emotion encrytion)
      (Confused)(Interested)(Herani(A Shar' Nadda Emotion that means "Death to enemy"))(Empathetic)
      (Thoughts fade)
      Colonise Paraen:1 post
      Versunas Colonised

      "Oops, I think I killed it..."-Me

      (This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 05-25-2002).)

    • Strand League

      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge}
      {To: Horosk Union}

      We would greatly appreciate aid, but our people have been demanding that we personally destroy the Akrahd once and for all, and I'm sure you can understand the importance of keeping the people happy. Our diplomat holds information for numerous Strand League technologies and is authorised to trade with you should you wish to do so. For now, it would be wise of us to keep our war with the Akrahd to ourselves and perhaps our other nearby allies - the Horosk are, unfortunately, not widely trusted by our general populace due to your very different nature.

      We also note that we have declared decisive independance from the Federation, and demanded that we be allowed to defend and maintain our own borders, as well as refusing to allow the Federation to "walk all over us", as we feel they have been doing in the last twenty years. If this in any way affects our relations, please inform us. We had little choice in the matter, though - the demand for action was massive.

      {end transmission}

      The Silverbridge was perhaps the most magnificent construct in existance. The enormity of places such as the Gateway, Nexus and the capitals of each and every government ultimately detracted from its beauty, but the Silverbridge was untarnished by bulk. It was a narrow, elegant ring stationed around a wormhole with a black tritanium sheathe covering it. Blue lights shone at intervals around the Silverbridge, and the bay doors in the construct were so well hidden when closed that ships entering seemed to be confronted by a rapidly appearing hole in the ship, that quickly sealed up afterwards.

      The diameter of the Silverbridge was in excess of fifty kilometres, however, and the near constant traffic both through the wormhole and into the station itself indicated the importance of it. Silverbridge was political capital of Strand League, and the headquarters of each and every Ministry, including the Ministry of Defence. It was also the only way between the Large and Small Megellanic Clouds, connecting the Strand League of LMC to the Ring Alliance of SMC, both governments being near identical and ultimately administrated by the same entity - the Council of Four

      Numerous silos ran across the circumference of the Silverbridge, numbering into the dozens if not the hundreds. In a loose sphere around the hyper-exit area from Morpheus lay many more spacially orientated silos and several gun posts. In close orbit of the star of Persephone lay numerous solar harvestors/refineries providing large amounts of cheap power, and some distance from the Silverbridge lay a huge network of construction chambers all linked together - a massive shipyard complex with its own weaponry and shielding system.

      Corsair stepped out of his Starglider onto the platform of docking bay 173b to be greeted by a security officer of the Magistrate's Militia. An official looking man with a slightly self-important glint to his eyes, he was hardly anyone Corsair was particularly interested in conversing with.

      "Passcard," the militia-man demanded in a somewhat bored voice, leaning his elbow on the hull of Corsair's Starglider to his annoyance.

      Corsair said nothing - he merely held up a black card that read; "Identity Anonymous, Highest Level Military Clearance - MoD". The militia-man's eyes widened as he realised that he was dealing with one of the most important members of the Ministry of Defence, and his wild eyes easily showed that he was racing through his mind, trying to work out whether or not he had offended the man.

      After giving up, the militia-man nodded formally, in a sign of great respect, and apologised thoroughly. Corsair shrugged, and left the bay, still without having spoken a single word.

      He made his way confidently through the Nexus via magtube to the entrance of the ZSN headquarters. He encounted several more members of the Magistrate's Militia, and every time he simply flashed his card and walked on.

      As he climbed the long stairs to the entrance of the headquarters, he noticed two people also making their way up - one a black-haired woman who looked like no other species alive, and was stunningly beautiful, and the other a youthful Zidagar with a sparkle of intelligence in his eye.

      Corsair smiled faintly and made his way over. "Idune, who is this man?" he asked, surprising her only briefly.

      "Father!" Idune exclaimed with a smile, running past the Zidagar and embracing her father. "Where have you been these past six months?"

      "Oh, nothing unusual. Just a trip to Rossoni," Corsair shrugged.

      Idune smiled - the type of smile a woman adopts moments before striking a crushing verbal blow. "No you weren't, father. I traced you as far as Cerberus before the Ministry of Interior somehow managed to elude the ZSF I sent."

      "ZSF?" Corsair raised an eyebrow.

      Idune shrugged. "A few of them seem to love me slightly more than they respect you," she noted dryly, "and enjoyed the practice of tracing you anyway. You're a hard man to trace, apparently. What were you doing?"

      "They asked me to keep an eye out on the development of a new weapon, and make sure everything was going according to plan," Corsair replied.

      "That took six months?"

      "There was something else, but that's of no matter," Corsair replied smoothly. "Perhaps later we could discuss it, once I wriggle out of some oaths and such."

      Idune smiled, and introduced Corsair to Teraoph, commander of the Zidagar. The three of them continued onto ZSN headquarters talking.

      The fifth battlefleet sent reached Argus, and a similar routine was followed. IGNA formed a reef while ZSN moved around the flanks and hit hard at the enemy ships. Considerable damage was dealt early on, but the Akrahd numbers began to hit back, tearing at ZSN ships and dealing considerable damage to IGNA at a range.

      Meanwhile, the construction of the Strand League had been aimed towards the construction of a large force of Igazradas. Seventy hundred and fifty were prepared (and no other construction took place) and began to make their way to Argus to reinforce the fleet there.

      Strand League

      Izirion Light-fighter: 11/16 posts
      Scorpion Disc: 7/12 posts

      Tauri Cluster Outposts: 1/3 posts

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

    • Espona moved along the reddish gray corridors of his Akrahd Heavy Cruiser, the Veran'tak, named for the late Valanor leader that had long ago brought an end to a great civil war. Espona encountered many crewmembers, but only looked their way and nodded curtly without slowing pace. The crewmen, however, stood to one side of the hallways at attention, not daring to even blink until Espona nodded to them or passed them by. Among the Valanor discipline and respect for your betters was a way of life. Upon reaching the bridge, the other officers stood and made the Valanor gesture of respect. Espona nodded again. "Navigation?" He said. The strong but short officer approached. "Sir?"
      "How close are we to Valanor?"
      "E.T.A. 5 minutes, sir."
      "Very well. Carry on."
      Espona was on his way to put forth a proposal to the Ruling Council. It was a brave yet at the same time, strange one. On the planet in the system Bkrad there had been reports from advance scouts in recent military actions againt the Strand League, which had ended many months ago, of rich building materials ready for mining. Espona had considered the possibility of setting up a temporary mining settelment to mine the resources before their rivals could find it, but seeing as it was dangerously close to Strand League borders and so far out of the home systems of the Valanor, Espona of course had to gain permission from the Ruling Council. The ships shook a bit, then stopped. they had arrived at the Valanor homeworld.

      "He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

    • “Four hundred thousand or no deal, Arkath. That has always been my offer for you in regards to these weapons. Otherwise, I’m sure Kanazi would be more than willing to pay for my cargo; I mean, after all, she is in need of them...”

      Sojin stood facing a beady eyed Zidagar in a worn down warehouse not far from his ship’s docking pad. Arkath was one of his best clients, having never missed paying Sojin for his cargo even once. He was also a contact to a large crime ring this side of League space. He was also growing in power, and had other people to sell him weapons, but at higher prices.

      Arkath showed his teeth and handed the pad back to the smuggler. “My good Sojin, you and I have been dealing for the last three years, so you know that I respect your deals and efforts. I can offer you two forty and not a credit more.” He took a credit chip from a pouch at his belt and held it up. “Take it or leave it, my friend.”

      A brief flicker of movement caught the smuggler’s attention to the right and left, a flash of metal as a blaster was moved into position. Arkath, a pity you had to do this. “Sorry, dear Arkath, but it looks like it’s Kanazi. Four hundred is the minimum I’m offering. Good day, my friend.” Sojin turned to go and he heard Arkath shift, and the soft whine of a blaster powering up. Sojin let out a sigh and spun around with a spinning high kick to the Zidagar’s neck and Arkath went down in a heap.

      The sound of antique phase pistols sounded and Sojin dived quickly as two bolts of golden energy passed him barely. The young captain came up quickly with his own blaster in hand and looked at the two goons. As intelligant as Arkath was, the poor fool was useless when it came to good help. Both his men fell because they didn’t think to take cover behind crates and as such, two blue bolts of energy hurled each of them back a bit.

      Sojin holstered his weapon and looked at the heaped and unmoving form of Arkath, shaking his head in mock sadness. The Zidagar wasn’t dead, just out cold and would be for a few hours. The young human stooped to pick up the credit chip and smiled grimly. The authorities would propably be here soon and Sojin Kiran had never been caught in his life.

      Tapping his wristlink, Sojin opened a channel to Raven. “Bad news, Rave. Arkath was a little greedy. Set up a meeting with Kazani, and soon.” Sojin closed the link and moved quickly to get out of the district.

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

    • Horosk
      Horosk Prime
      Parliamentery Buildings - Government House
      Chairman RMA flew the Cabinet Room, and looke round his ministers.
      'Minister Farrel has asked that we have this meeting, and Minister Jenia has also asked. Minister Farrel, you may explain why you have called this meeting.'
      'My thanks Chairman. First of all, I would like to report our shipyards are repaired, and are now at full efficiency. Our Carrier force is expanding in line with the militaries needs. Now, I believe everyone has read the report on this new computing device. It appears the military got their hands on a copy of the report, and they seem to have gotten very excited over it. They seem to think it would allow them to improve our fighting ability considerably. Ontop of the improvements it would allow in our economy, our analysts say we should complete this project as soon as possible. The R&D; divisions also seem eager, as they say it will allow them to work faster.
      After several minutes of debate, much of it centered on other projects that would be delayed, a consensus was achieved. Chairman RMA spoke 'Now that we can agree that researching this will allow other projects to be speeded up, we can divert the funds needed. Minister Jenia now has a report on diplomatic activities.'
      'The Strand League has sent a diplomat for talks with us, details of which have been uploaded to the datalink. They seem interested in an alliance of sorts, as well as trade. I have given orders for a welcoming committee to be prepared, and a suitable venue freed up for actual talks.
      'The Azdgari have also approached us with a similar offer. They have also sent a diplomat.
      'Analysists suggest it would be a good idea to contact the other 'crescent' races and invite them also. Messages have been prepared and are ready to be sent out.
      'We also need to work closer with our allies the Sladerei, and attempt to secure the route between our territories, since the Ediens continue to harrass traders. Military advisers are drawing up strategic plans.'
      'All of the reports seem fair, and I believe it would be good for the Union. My approval is given.'
      Chairman RMA then flew off to address the wider Horosk Assembly.


      Message To: Kayan Alliance
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject: Talks
      The Horosk would like to discuss trade and alliances, and we invite you to Horosk Prime. The Horoth remember your help against the Akrahd, and the Horosk remain grateful.
      Message Ends

      Message To: Miranu Alliance
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject: Talks
      We would like to invite you for talks, to discuss trade and alliances. We await your reply.

      Message To: Sladerei Alliance
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject: Talks
      We would like to discuss plans against the Ediens, and for safety we invite you to Horosk Prime for the talks. We would also like to discuss gaining access to your sensors so that we may use them to search for Thorosk relics.
      Message Ends
      Message Ends

      Message To: Council of Four, Silverbridge
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject: Talks
      Your independance from the Federation does not worry us. The Federation has been lax in helping the Horosk in the past, and its meager help for the defence against the Ediens when they invaded the LMC did not improve the Horoths attitude towards them. We understand your action.

      Should you need assistance against the Akrahd, please ask, for we have many people who would like to return to the fight against them.

      Scouts and other reports indicate your diplomat will soon be entering Andromeda, and we look forward to more indepth talks.
      Message Ends


      AP Beam Strip Technical Information
      Military Officials are already clammering for resources to be put towards an updated Interceptor design that will incorporate this advance. It looks like they will get what they want.
      ETA:3 posts

      Horosk Shipyard Repair Information
      Repairs have finished, and shipyard efficiency has been boosted to 100%

      Energy Matrix Computer
      The EMC uses energy armour for its basic matrix, allowing computing power to increase dramatically. It uses pathways at the quantum level to process data, but the biggest boost is that pathways can be created, removed, and adjusted instantly, allowing for unlimited flexibility. The basic version sits in the palm of a persons hands, and makes a mockery of old fashioned computers. Simple replacement of other computers will be easy, but updating systems to take advantage of it will take longer.
      ETA:19 posts

      Defence Station and fortifications in Tiradsjad 1. ETA:2 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      Construction rate at 100%

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-26-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-26-2002).)