Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I just realised that I've posted a battle, which I should not be allowed to do. But, really, a Voinian Cruiser would have no trouble disabling a Freight Courier, am I not correct?

      YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
      PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
      GaZoRK. CHuMBLE SpuZz.
      (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-10-2001).)

    • The U.E.S. Yokohama, along with the other ships of the Purple Sector Fleet, was waiting in the atmosphere of one of the planets in the Bakka system. Having successfully completed negotiations for the defection of Soncere at Yandros, the Purple Sector Fleet had moved forward for a surprise raid on one of the systems that Soncere's ships had been holding. Staging from Bakka, they were preparing the fleet to attack when a sizable fleet of Voinians appeared in system...

      "The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

    • MODERATION: Lord Gwydion, your battle is fine, since the Freight Courier you mentioned was an NPC. If a battle involves another player, or another player's government, then you must give them a chance to respond.

      Titan - Unless you can explain how the UE knew the Hinwar existed, I can't allow the your freight courier posts to stand. Please either explain how you knew we were there, or edit the posts in question. Thanks.

      Admiral Nelson - New technology is banned, sorry. Spying on enemy races and trying to steal their technology (such as trying to steal Turncoat plans from the renegades, for example), is allowed, though, so it's not like you can't get access to new technologies you don't already have. Also, races can give one another access to their ships and technologies, so you could try and barter with the UE.

      Imperial Phoenix was waiting in his hidden location in the mountains when three Hinwar resistance members came upon him.

      "Imperial Phoenix?" One of them asked. "Are you the one who made contact with us?"


      Meanwhile, in the former Hinwar capital city, three resistance members slipped stealthily by night into the into the main slave barracks. As quietly as they can, they entered the lower levels, where the bulk of the slave population was held. Somehow they managed to make it in undetected, and seperated, spreading the word of the resistance throughout the complex. Over 5000 new slaves were added to the ranks of the resistance that night. Similar recruitment efforts were taking place across the northern continent of Gualon, soon the Hinwar would be ready to strike back at their Voinian slavers.

      American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

      (edit - Oops, I typed "Admiral Benden" when I meant "Admiral Nelson". Sorry guys...)

      (This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 05-10-2001).)

    • (QUOTE)Originally posted by Thunder:
      Admiral Benden - New technology is banned, sorry. Spying on enemy races and trying to steal their technology (such as trying to steal Turncoat plans from the renegades, for example), is allowed, though, so it's not like you can't get access to new technologies you don't already have. Also, races can give one another access to their ships and technologies, so you could try and barter with the UE.

      When did I develope new tech?

      "The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

    • From: Draco
      Encryption Key 34890342d
      I am offering this deal to only your government. I will work for you. Please respond soon if you accept.
      End Encryption

      To: Draco
      We, the Emalgha, would welcome an alliance.
      Meet with REDchigh on Gurado In 18:00 hours

      The Emalgha pilots readily hand over the rifles, and start debating whether to Go to Emalgha, to report in about the Hinwar, or to go straight to UE space...
      They have no way of sending a message to the Emalgha or UE, bacause of the Voinian bugs throughout their space. Either way the fighters go, they would probably have to stop at the Hinwar base again for refueling...
      The Emalgha finally decide. Ten Fighters are currently on the base. The Pilots offer the Hinwar 2 fighters, because the Emalgha weopons are noticably stronger against Voinian armor. The Fighters decide to head to Emalgha, they can always send a party to find the other govt...

      The ships set off for Emalgha........

      Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.
      --- Tim Hansel

    • delete

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 05-11-2001).)

    • "Yes...I was the one who contacted you..."

      "I have Blaze Assault Rifles and Fusion Grenades, which I give to you. Use them wisely"

      "I can be of much service in destroying the Voinian stronghold here....I await your answers"

      "That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"
      When the phoenix is destroyed, The reverse is true, It will regenerate, And it will come for you...... -Phoenix

    • I knew about the Hinwar because I've been sendin cloaked ships into Voinisn space scouting the area, and a Mercenary Captain told me about a race be enslaved by the Voinians, hows that?

      Join Crawlers new ikonboard here (url="http://"")http://www.crawler.f...d/ikonboard.cgi(/url)

    • Uh, is Soncere on the station, or out in space?

      YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
      PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
      GaZoRK. CHuMBLE SpuZz.
      (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
      When did I develope new tech?

      I'm sorry, I meant to type Admiral Nelson. I got your names confused. I'll edit my post. You've done nothing wrong. 😄

      Titan - Since you have 10 defecting Voinian Frigates sitting at one of your ports, I guess it is reasonable that you could have found out about the Hinwar through them. Because of that, I'll allow your posts about the cloaked Freight Courier, unless SilverDragon (our co-moderator) has a reason to object.

      American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

      (This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 05-10-2001).)

    • Imperial Phoenix was greeted warmly by the Hinwar resistance operatives, and one of the rebel leaders stepped foward to respond to him.

      "We thank you for risking your ship and your life coming to offer us your help. We would be glad for any assistance you could give us in overthrouwing our Voinian slavers. You must understand, however, that we have little to offer in return at the moment. In all likelyhood, we won't be able to pay you very well until after we are freed, but once we are on our feet again we promise you a handsome reward for your efforts."


      Meanwhile, several hundred yards away where the Emalgha representitives were, Thunder responded to their query.

      "We don't know much about this cloaking device ourselves. The probe is not of our own design, it was provided for us by a mercenary pilot as a means of communication without arousing Voinian suspicion. From what we've seen of the cloak, the original design is from a government known as the 'United Earth', or UE for short. We've never heard of them or seen them, but we suspect they might be the Voinians' other enemy to the east."

      "That's is very interesting," the Emalgha officer replied, "but can it be fitted to a ship?"

      "From our limited observation of it, I think it would be possible. As long as you have the energy to run the cloaking device, the size of the object you're hiding shouldn't matter. Of course, for very large objects it would take astronomical amounts of energy to keep it running..."

      Before the Emalgha turned to leave, Thunder stopped them with one last comment. "Oh, by the way, the mercenary who gave us this probe is right here, in our resistance hideout. Would you like to meet him?"

      American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Titan:
      **and a Mercenary Captain told me about a race be enslaved by the Voinians, hows that?


      OOC: I didn't tell you about the Hinwar. Also, I never KNEW about the Hinwar rebellion in the story.

      ESPilot jumps into the DSN-1810 system, and sees nothing. He says to himself "Nothing inportant to report here..." and jumps into the nearest way to a Voinian system, immediately activating the cloak.

      Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free? Visit (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) today!

    • ::I had been thinking Soncere had been in space, as he is with his fleet, and he followed me to the Bakka system. The sizable fleet I am talking about is Kokoney's::

      "The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Thunder:
      "We don't know much about this cloaking device ourselves. The probe is not of our own design, it was provided for us by a mercenary pilot as a means of communication without arousing Voinian suspicion. From what we've seen of the cloak, the original design is from a government known as the 'United Earth', or UE for short. We've never heard of them or seen them, but we suspect they might be the Voinians' other enemy to the east."

      ........ "Oh, by the way, the mercenary who gave us this probe is right here, in our resistance hideout. Would you like to meet him?"

      "Sure... We'd like to meet him... He's from the other govt's space eh? I was thinking a cloak on one of my fighters could get to the other govt's space easy, but why don't we just get the Mercenary to take them a message?"

      "Also ask him if he has another cloak that could run off of fuel. We emalgha have no way of scouting nearby voinian space!"

      Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.
      --- Tim Hansel

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
      **::I had been thinking Soncere had been in space, as he is with his fleet, and he followed me to the Bakka system. The sizable fleet I am talking about is Kokoney's::


      my fleet is only 4 frigates.anyways, my story now.

      Kokoney watched as the UE fleet was drawing nearer to Soncere's fleet(i too am assuming the fleet is in space). an officer walked up to him with a proposal,
      "Myself and a few others thought that we might attach some asteroid to the front of the ships to ram into the enemies. We could also get some tied to the end of the ship by cables and they could swing into ships when they turned."
      Kokoney thought about this for a minute,
      "We could try this with one."He turned to the officer at the radio, "Order one of the frigates to do what this officer just told us."
      Kokoney then ordered the other 3 ships to round behind Soncere's fleet and attack the UE to hope the fleet might think this was trickery and attack the fleet. It worked! Every gov't ship in the system save the one getting asteroids attached to the hull was in a frenzy attacking anything in front of it.
      After almost half an hour the frigate starting ramming into destroyers and carriers, doing a devastatingly high amount of damage. Kokoney had some engineers do work to slightly increase the ship's speed. Within minutes Soncere's fleet was reduced to almost half, Kokoney lost one, and the UE lost two destroyers. Everything was going right, then all of sudden-BOOOM!!!
      "What the **** was that!" Kokoney howled.
      One of the engines had blown up from the dangerous upgrade done to the ship. It flew around crazily as they had lost the engine. Then it happened, the frigate with the asteroids swinging from behind had smashed into the hull. Kokoney cursed madly,but he was able to steer the ship towards the unihabited planet. The entire crew, including Kokoney, passed out when the ship entered the atmosphere.
      Ten minutes later Kokoney woke up and communicated to one of the two remainig frigates left in space, and ordered him to launch supplies to him that would last him, and the 46 survivors, for a month. Including: food, weapons, medical supplies, and tools. He and the others started on building a small, but sturdy ship that would be able to take them all to the nearest voinian system. He then ordered the frigate to send message to all the voinian systems on the border of UE and Emalgha space to enlarge their defense (or defence) fleet and to send more scout patrols to keep the Emalgha and UE from communicating with each other.

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • MODERATION: I think there might have been a little confusion about the battle policy. When I wrote "No one-post battles" in the instructions, I meant that if you get into a battle (and you ARE allowed to have battles), that it can't start and end in a single post. You must give the opponent a chance to respond with a post of their own. I did NOT mean that battles were not allowed. Feel free to attack one another as much as you'd like. Battles ARE allowed, and ANYONE can post them. 🙂

      "You'll have the chance to ask him yourself," Thunder replied. He and severeal other resistance members led the Emalgha representitives down a series of corridors, finally ending up in the large room where Imperial Phoenix was speaking with the resistance representitives. He immediately noticed the new arrivals. Thunder stepped forward.

      "Hi, you must be Imperial Phoenix. I'm Thunder, the leader of the Hinwar resistance." He then motioned to the Emalgha diplomats. "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but these Emalgha have some questions they'd like to ask. I understand that you're quite well-travelled, so you probably can answer the questions we have. Specifically, we're interested in knowing about the government to the east of Voinian space, whether they'd be interested with an alliance with the Emalgha, and what the easiest way to get there is. They're also intrigued, as are we, by the cloaking device you placed on the probe you sent us. If you could tell us about these things, it would be of great assistance to our cause."


      Meanwhile, back at resistance headquarters (an abandoned military complex hidden deep in a mountain range), several resistance tacticians went over the current situtation.

      "Our current best estimate is that the Voinian population is 4 million on the planet. The Hinwar population is 150 million, but only 7 million are informed about the insurrection and willing to participate."

      "If we move to strike, those Hinwar not informed will take up the flag when they see us fighting."

      "But there's still the problem of the station. With it's guns poised on sensitive sites across the surface, we'll be wiped off the face of the planet before we even get started. Somehow, we have to take over or take out the station before we can begin the insurrection on the ground."

      "All we have is 5 fighters, donated by a government known as the "UE". They're agile, but by no means enough to dominate a station and overrun the Voinian troops on board."

      "Perhaps we could get these UE's to help take over the station. If they are enemies of the Voinians, they would be glad to see a slave rebellion in Voinian space."

      "The probe! That's it! We can send the UE a message!"

      "Excellent. It's decided then. Tell our operatives to start distributing the weapons to our resistance members across the planet. And instruct Thunder to send a message to the UE, asking them to take out/take over Gualon Station. When they strike we'll begin the insurrection."

      American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

    • OOC: I'm not following this, and right now I've got a lot on my head - mainly the
      tests that are fast approaching for me. Please forgive me if I don't post in a
      while - Gwydion or possibly Jess (she showed some interest in Voinian command) may
      feel free to control Korane, or have Korane disappear mysteriously and have someone
      replace him as leader for a while.

      I'll catch up with the story later. Sorry all.

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • The shipyard on Omm has been completed with greatr success.
      The 4 escorting Kraits have done a great job by keeping
      away most of the renegades in DSN-5842, with only one lost.

      To ensure trading abilities, the ASAR has been authorized
      to buy 4 Freight-Courier for 4.25 M credits. 3 post before

      Next priority of the ASAR, an expension:
      An Expeditionnary Fleet will be built to explore and to attack
      renegades fleets and bases.
      This fleet will be composed of 8 Kraits and 3 Helians.
      Costs:1.4 M credits. Time: 6 post

      The Great Order has formed a task force squadron that will be
      used to invest renegades ports and eliminate that kind of junk.

      Admiral Nelson, commander of the ASAR fleet


    • (quote)Originally posted by Thunder:
      **MODERATION: I think there might have been a little confusion about the battle policy. When I wrote "No one-post battles" in the instructions, I meant that if you get into a battle (and you ARE allowed to have battles), that it can't start and end in a single post. You must give the opponent a chance to respond with a post of their own. I did NOT mean that battles were not allowed. Feel free to attack one another as much as you'd like. Battles ARE allowed, and ANYONE can post them.:)

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • "No pay is required."

      "The government I come from is a free republic.....where all are equal
      and have an equal chance....where slavery is outlawed..
      They are also alien friendly....and would be glad to aid you. I have a spare cloaking
      device, take it"

      He sends two of the freedom fighters to haul it out of the cargo bay.

      "That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"
      When the phoenix is destroyed, The reverse is true, It will regenerate, And it will come for you...... -Phoenix