Originally posted by Zacha K:
**You mean "Project Nebula"?
And speaking of big plug-ins, you did make the Quartermire Trilogy, right?
Or am I living in the future? Is project nebula the Quartermire Trilogy? Because the theme music for the Magma Plug-in (which is part of project nebula) is the same theme music as that Quartermire plug-in on a MacAddict magazine a while ago, but without that "It Has Begun" voice.
Correct me if I'm wrong:
- You made the Quartermire Trilogy.
- You made the Magma Plug
- You are making a plug-in known to us mortals as "Project Nebula"
- It seems as if you are planning to incorperate parts of the Quartermire Trilogy into "Project Nebula"
- You make very good graphics
- Your theme music is catchy
- If you didn't make the Quartermire trilogy, you sure are stealing a lot of things from it
- You like to make ships from a 3D perspective
Wrong person, kiddo. The esteemable David Karl of Meowx Design did Quantumire and Magma. Project Nebula is a cooperative endeavor between three dedicated developers, including me, the brilliant ColdFusion and Meowx Design. Project Nebula remains top secret; let it suffice to say that it is not the Quantumire Trilogy for EVO, and it's insanely cool.
"His Strangelove All-Purpose Do-It-Yourself Defensive First Second or Third Strike Indestructible Fantastic State-of-the-Art B-Ware Offensive Attack Bomber can't compare with our M & M E & A Sub-Supersonic Invisible and Noiseless Defensive Second-Strike Offensive Attack Bomber."
- from Closing Time , by Joseph Heller.