Help! I got a Archive Verification failed. And after several warnings: Unknown archive format. Engine error. Unknown Format. What gives? Did Tim compress it incorrectly? And I had so waited that I would finally be able to get fixed Neutron Torps. Finally get Neutron Torpedoes. And see which other ones he had- such as the fixes and tweaks. And the eye candy. I would see if it would be even more beatiful- now its already so beatiful I get captivated. And I thought I would already have seen it all. Halp! (humorous ending).
I tried to redownload it, and I still get archive verification failed (twice, as before, just hadnt noted), and this time a new error: Format Error. This is a edit.
Tim, in just what did you compress it? If I open it with StuffIt Standard instead of Expander, I get a verification failed immediately on opening and then nothing to expand. This is really bad- usually I get 0 bytes files, when I have problems,l but when you dont even get the files... Note well- I dont even get the format as error as with Expander. So I have really bad luck- I dont even get error messages. :huh:
Oh, and one addition to my Wikipedia-ish project to edit over and over again, to make it more accurate (some of the errors were false)and contain more info. I have edited and edited it uncannily over and over again, more than I usually do and ever did. I have used Quick Edit to make sure anybody else hasnt replied yet, which is unusual. All this speed is causing stress to my calm nature. I have StuffIt 9.5.
This post has been edited by General Cade Smart : 25 June 2007 - 09:07 AM