Thanks for the praise, soul_seeker! Glad to know I could help! Glad to know you like the screensaver! I'm just waiting for my Mac to get fixed before trying to play EVN. Even after upping the memory on Basilisk II, the ships tend to move a bit jerkily. Since EVN is so memory intensive, I'd be willing to bet the effect would be worsened. Still and all, I'd rather play mac games on a mac. On another thread, someone responded to my using an emulator by saying "Naughty,'ll be caughty!" I guess he considers it cheating. I don't, however. BTW: If you're the type that likes weapons (even "cheat" weapons), for EV, try "Antimatter Beam," "Fireball," or "Super Torpedo." I'm flying the "Neutronic Kestrel" and use "Neutron Torpedoes". I don't know if you've ever used MAGMA in your plugins folder, but the Neutronic Kestrel goes from the dinky golden-colored ship one would think of to a large, dark-colored (silverish black) ship. This ships is as large as a Rebel Cruiser! I think someone called it the "Condor." In EVO, I'm flying the "Miranu Kestrel" and like to use the "Plasma Blast Turret" and "Forklift." BTW2: The Fireball and Super Torpedo are more akin to the Forklift in that they are super-weapons.
What do you like to fly/fav. weapons?
"War not determine who right...War determine who left"
(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 07-28-2002).)