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Roberto Nelson, CEO of the Rebel Arms Corporation, threw his bundle of graphs and wireframes down on the table of the president's lounge. He was the business-type person, and immediately went straight to the point.
"After roughly a month of hard work, the RAC has completed the designs for the requested Rebel Carrier."
President Navarone set his coffee down on the table, and looked curiously at the papers. "Interesting...It's extremely agressive-looking."
Nelson, happy that the president already approved of atleast the design, continued. "I'm sure that just by looking at the graph, you can't tell how large this vessel is. Once built, if it ever is, it will be 5000 meters long, which would make it the largest ship ever built in the galaxy we know of."

President Navarone choked on his coffee. After spilling some of the liquid on his shirt and swallowing the rest, he replied. "5000 meters!? That's rediculous...I will not be willing to put such large amounts of resources into a ship of that size."
Nelson, who let out a quiet chuckle after watching the president choke on his coffee, went on. "But wait. You asked us to design a carrier, and that's exactly what we did. Since I was told by Lewis Riker that a ship was needed to carry large numbers of fighters, that's what we focused on. This carrier design has ten fighter bays, each of which can hold one hundred Rebel fighters with ease."
The president's face then turned to that of surprise. "So you're saying this warship could carry 1000 Rebel fighters?"
"Precisely, Mr. President."
"And how long would it take to contruct such a massive warship?"
Nelson started running through math on a sheet of paper before replying. "At the current time, the Rebellion seems to be an industrial giant in terms of ship manufacturing. If we were to start building this ship with a few thousand workers, we could have it done in roughly two or three years."
Navarone stroked his chin. "We can't afford to wait that long."
Nelson collected his thoughts for a moment before continuing. "It could easilly be completed much sooner if you are willing to devote half of the RAC shipbuilders and machinery from building smaller warships to constructing this giant vessel."
"But wouldn't our cruiser or destroyer numbers decrease in doing so?"
"To an extent, but they wouldn't decrease, but likely still increase at a slower rate. The Rebellion is still churning out so many warships that the Confederation can't handle our fleets. If you ask for my advice Mr. President, I recommend you devote half of the RAC warship builders to this project."
President Navarone leaned back against the wall of his lounge, thinking of what to say. "Alright, Mr. Nelson, I hearby authorize you to contruct this Rebel Carrier. Half of the RAC shipbuilders are now shifted from cruiser and destroyer production to the construction of this new carrier."
"Thankyou sir," Nelson responded. "You won't regret your decision. I promise we will have this project complete in under four months."
"Goodluck," Navarone said. "You're going to need it."
With that, Roberto Nelson left the president alone in his lounge. The President then began to laugh when he realized Nelson was blind to what he had in mind. Nelson spoke ok crushing the Confederation with this carrier, but Navarone planned on using the vessel against the dreaded aliens. But the news of discovering aliens wouldn't be top-secret much longer...
Navarone then glanced at the charts of the carrier Nelson had left on his table:
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"Rebel Carrier" from the Rebel Arms Corporation
- - - - -
Shield- 10,450
Armor- 3,510
Crew- 6, 309 members
Space- 2500 tons
Cargo- 500 tons
Turn- Sluggish
Speed- 105
-Standard Weapons-
2,500 turbolaser turrets
100 turreted torpedo tubes
10,000 guided torpedoes
100 turreted missile launchers
12,000 guided missiles
10 Fighter Bays (primarilly designed to house mantas, firefoxes, and star cobras)
1000 Fighters
2 top-secret drivers currently being designed by the RAC.
- Information for the carrier is not yet final -
-Roberto Nelson - CEO, Rebels Arms Corporation -
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~Captain Skyblade
CEO of the Corsair Development Team
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