This happened to me twice, both with EV (FB and Pale, the last of which I am playing now).
What happens is, that I load EV as usual and surpise surprise! Your ship now looks like a courier! (my example from FB) or maybe.. a Confed Frigate.. (Pale). Not only your ship, also your escorts (not necessarily all of them), your fighters and many other ships. It does not seem to treat plug-ships differently as regular ships, as some of both have 'shapeshifted' and stayed normal. I did not use a different pilot-file with Pale, but I seem to remember from FB (though I'm not 100% sure) that a previously 'uninfected' pilot stays normal.
Anybody? And.. yeah it's quite funny in the beginning.. until you want to see your trusty ol' Patrol Frigate again!
I'd say there's one in every crowd, but in this crowd there's at least twenty or so... -Frandall
'...Why does it always rain on me ?..' - Travis
I'm not crazy or weird, just not sure whether everyone's definition of reality is the same as mine... -me