Here's the Ellipsus Fighter
Name: Ellipsus Fighter
Fuel: 5
Speed: 315
Accel: Fast
Turning: 5
Shield: 50
Armor: 15
Max Guns: 5
Max Turrets: 0
Mass:20 tons
Length: Whatever the graphic's size looks like.
Crew: 1
Recharge Rate: 75
Weapon Space: 18
Cargo Space: 10
Availability: Ellipsus space
AI: Warship/Interceptor
Death Delay: 30
Disabled at 10% armor: No
Jumps: Fast
Price: 150000
Desc: The Ellipsus fighter is Ellipsus Spacelines' main patrol ship. Fast, agile, and dangerous, the Ellipsus fighter will insure that Ellipsus is a major player in galactic affairs for years to come
Ship standard weapons:
Four laser cannons, one missile launcher and four missiles, 1 javelin pod and 40 Javelins.
I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.
(This message has been edited by Entropy (edited 01-01-2001).)