Here's a system for the Ellipsus. The station's like a big airport in space, isn't it?
Entry Message: You are in Ellipsus Lines space. Deactivate weapons or face prosecution.
Dudes: (1) Ellipsus Liners(E. Liners+ Lux. Liners Prob%:50 (2)Ellipsus Cruisers Prob%:20 (3) Confed Beefy Merchants Prob%:25 (4) Pirates Prob%:5
Average of ships: 6
Interference: 10
Asteroids: 3
Location: To the bottom-middle-left in my space
Planets in this system: Sepha III (Can't land), Ellipsus Station
All Data fr. Ellipsus Station
Can land: Yes
Commodities: Yes
Outfit: Yes
Shipyard: Yes
Station: Yes
Uninhabited: No
Bar: No
Bar Desc: This bar is packed with Ellipsus passengers, waiting for their liners' boarding calls. The crew of the liners, of course, have their own private clubs comfortably far away from the passenger node of the station.
Tech level: 5
Special Tech: 875(Ellipsus Tech- for Liners, Cruisers, Fighters(when I find some) and Mass drivers), 300, 500
Defense Dude:Ellipsus Cruisers
Defense Count: (Dont fill this in)
Waves: No
Ships per wave: No waves
Total ships: 45
Food Price: high
Ind Price: none
Med Price: med
Metel Price: high
Equip Price: high
Luxury Price: high
Planet Graphic: Weird-Blue
Station Graphic: Same as that station in the Vega system, the modular one.
Station Desc: Ellipsus station was built as a resupplying/refueling station for Ellipsus liners on their long, looping voyages, but expanded as the company grew and now has large hangers in which Ellipsus ships are built and many nodes for passengers, crewmembers, and suppliers. During the 9-hour wait while the liners' food, accessory, and fuel supplies are restocked, passengers are free to wander around in the passenger nodes, which are filled with numerous entertainment centers, restaurants, and bric-a-brac shops.