Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Top Ten Plugs

      Hey I'm trying to get back into EV before EVN comes out but I've allready done all the orignal missoins. So if some of you poeple out there that have played several plugs please post your top ten and if some of those plugs dont appear in the add-ons sectoin then also write down where you can get them. Thanksm oh and i have two qeutoins cuase I allready layed two plugins so far, onee: Which came first Final Battle or Empire, cuase they have almost the exact same ships. two:In Final Battle after you "defeat" The Confeds and ally with them to defeat the aliens and you get that missoin at zaxted starport it tells you to go to maxwells purchase and pick up some refugess and bring tehm back to zaxted Starport, but then when you get the refugees where do you bring them? Thanks.

      I'm the scourge of the
      New Republic, care to
      join me?

    • Why do you want to know the 'top 10'?
      Try different plugs and choose one, two, or all of them.
      Thats my way


    • i dont have a top10, so what am i doing here?
      I'll get off


    • I need a ton ten from poeple because i dont have tim to play the plugin all the way thrue wehn it actully starts getting interesting. if poeple would tell me the top ten then i would cpick those and acutlly play them all the way thrue.

      I'm the scourge of the
      New Republic, care to
      join me?

    • Play Empire 2 or Empire 3 if you want action... Empire 3 is better, though.

      'Never ask for directions in wales baldric, you'll be washing spit out of your beard for months'

    • Quote

      Originally posted by DeathVal:
      **Hey I'm trying to get back into EV before EVN comes out but I've allready done all the orignal missoins. So if some of you poeple out there that have played several plugs please post your top ten and if some of those plugs dont appear in the add-ons sectoin then also write down where you can get them.

      Well, I can't in good conscience give you a top ten, because I get turned off by lack of attention to detail (like typos!). But I'll give you a top TWO. These plugs are the best made with regards to writing, detail and vision.
      1)Pale - excellent, solid, mature, developed, I looked forward to continuing it every day I came home. Missed it when it was over.
      2)Mugabi and Destiny - packs more wonder into two nights of playing (12 Mb in two nights!) than any other plug. Absolutely concentrated. Beautiful.
      There, have fun, let us know if you manage to compile a top ten.

    • Well, I have a top 5 list, but still...

      1. New Horizons -- GREAT!!! 20MB+, but great!
      2. Arena Plus -- 😄 😄 😄 It's mine! Not released, but it will be the first plug in 2 parts, each with diffrent missions,ships, etc.
      3. Empire 2 or 3 -- Empire 2 is nice, I helped iron out some bugs, 3 is cool too!
      4. Galactic Scourge -- very nice!
      5. EVO 1.0.2 -- no, really! Try playing the game with EVO's harder AIs, and rules!

      Max B-H
      "I've taken the disperser out of the loop and run the cables through the initiator power intake on the engine power system. The feedback energy is just accumulating in the repulsor system. When the power level is high enough, I'll reset the feedback power breaker and dump the energy right into the initiator intake on the engine power systems."
      "Jump-start it," Han said. "I'm going to jumpstart it."

    • Ok thanks ill try those out, oh and do you guys know the answers to my questoins?

      I'm the scourge of the
      New Republic, care to
      join me?