Hey I'm trying to get back into EV before EVN comes out but I've allready done all the orignal missoins. So if some of you poeple out there that have played several plugs please post your top ten and if some of those plugs dont appear in the add-ons sectoin then also write down where you can get them. Thanksm oh and i have two qeutoins cuase I allready layed two plugins so far, onee: Which came first Final Battle or Empire, cuase they have almost the exact same ships. two:In Final Battle after you "defeat" The Confeds and ally with them to defeat the aliens and you get that missoin at zaxted starport it tells you to go to maxwells purchase and pick up some refugess and bring tehm back to zaxted Starport, but then when you get the refugees where do you bring them? Thanks.
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