Originally posted by Membrain1:
Does anyone know a tried and true method for keeping your admin accounts, Does the use them first technique always work?
I can't tell you what will work for you, but I can definitely tell you what works for me. I have an Elite rating and top hw/sw, but I remember the beginnings.
First of all - get a v4 log deleter. I even get it before I save up for the v4 trace tracker and do the first few missions without a trace tracker at all, since I have an estimate of how log it will take them to trace you.
As soon as you enter your new gateway, go to InterNIC and filter the host database for banks. Add all of them to your system. Manually connect to each of them and create your own account on that bank. Now you get a nice collection of server which you have client access to. You can use these to bounce your connections - always, without revocation. Then, get a few easy 1500c missions and find internal service systems of those machines. Bounce first through Uplink Test Server, second through InterNIC, and then through all the banks ending with the server to be hacked. Connect, run trace tracker, run password cracker. Crank up the processor utilization percentage for the password cracker (about 3 click - only to let the trace tracker running and a minimal pace of about 10%). Break the password and disconnect, without entering the system. Go back to InterNIC and delete the logs showing how you routed through InterNIC. Also delete the line saying you authorized and logged in, but leave the line saying connection was opened, since when you disconnect, another line with connection closed will appear in the log. If it would not match a connection open line, it would be suspicious.
Do this for a few Internal Service System. I now routinely route through more server I own admin on then the number banks that exist. I always route first through Uplink Test Server, then through InterNIC and then through all the other servers. Later on, when you get missions asking you to hack a Central Mainframe or LAN, you need to make the Internal Service System of that company your last hop.
Hope this helps. I lose admin account now only when I fast forward a little. I commonly route through ALL the servers on my map and never lose an admin sooner then about 24 hours after I hacked it.