Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Vision of the Future

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      AVARA 2!!!

      This topic was a copied idea from an old post over at the Avara Guild. It was before any sort of Avara 2 was possible, and was more of a wishlist than an actual request for features.

      So we don't start getting into flame wars over incompletely explained and understood visions of Avara 2, describe, in one post, your vision of it.
      Do not post more than once, please. I don't think one-word-post type of clutter will do much good.

      Many of Consul Bob's ideas are included in this list. My vision:
      X compatibility.
      Open source.
      New missions for a solo campaign in addition to the old ones.
      Ultra-sleek interface.
      Hull editor so you could mix and combine traits to create any hull type you wish for missions.
      Map editor capable of doing everything the game requires.
      16 players max.
      New less laggy networking code, including an option for auto-downloading levels you don't have.
      Better scout control.
      HECTOR bots.

      As options for designers:
      Vehicles (such as starfighters) that you can enter. And maybe even control. Within reasonable limits, of course. They would require advanced control pads-so the HECTOR would stand inside it and act as a "router" of sorts for the vehicle, bringing in commands from base.
      HECTOR AIs that would have a variety of behaviors and routines that could be altered. For instance, patrol, hunt, search, attack, duel, etc.
      The ability to have advanced computer systems you can control or at least see. Somewhat like Marathon in that regard.
      Weapon recoil
      Automatic firing mode options for some weapons.

      This post has been edited by Groove : 15 May 2007 - 10:05 AM

    • The backwards-compatibility thing better be a joke.

    • Quote

      The backwards-compatibility thing better be a joke.

      Begone, troll. You've must have not read the rules for the topic at the top of the thread.


      So we don't start getting into flame wars over incompletely explained and understood visions of Avara 2, describe, in one post, your vision of it.
      Do not post more than once, please. I don't think one-word-post type of clutter will do much good.

      Look, it's my vision. It doesn't have to be within the confines of reality. You could say it's unrealistic simply for talking about an Avara 2, but it's a dream of mine, and my dream will have anything that I want. Take your boring ideas about what is possible and what is not possible elsewhere, just don't bother me with it here.

      This post has been edited by Groove : 09 May 2007 - 08:33 PM

    • Heh, I see you took a few liberties and borrowed from my old list.

      Backwards compatability, of course.
      There would be support for six players, still.
      There would be a map editor, capable of doing everything the game requires.
      It would be similar to one of the FAT applications, from such a long, long time ago. Capable of running in Classical systems and the MacIntel systems without flaw.
      New networking code would have to be written, but it would need to follow along the same lines as the existing Avara code-quick, compact, and overall efficient. Avara has some of the best networking code of any game out there, if not the best.
      New missions for a solo campaign, of course, in addition to the old ones. Also a reliable hull editor so you could mix and combine traits to create any hull type you wish for missions.
      Compatability for AI hulls directly referenced from the scenario editor.
      A level deal that is capable of auto-downloading sets you don't have. Only if you wish them to be, of course.
      HECTOR AIs would, of course, have a variety of behaviors and routines that could be altered. For instance, patrol, hunt, search, attack, duel, etc. (As an option for designers.)
      Vehicles (such as starfighters) that you can enter. And maybe even control. Within reasonable limits, of course. They would require advanced control pads-so the HECTOR would stand inside it and act as a "router" of sorts for the vehicle, bringing in commands from base. (As an option for designers.)
      The ability to have advanced computer systems you can control or at least see. Somewhat like Marathon in that regard. (As an option for designers.)
      Weapon recoil (as an option for designers).
      A preference for ammo numbers (instead of icons).
      Automatic firing mode options for some weapons. (As an option for designers.)

    • I'd also like to see some flexibility in developing. Such as the ability to develop your own weapon behaviours. I don't get what you mean by advanced computers like marathon.

      Yes, I'd like an AI HECTOR.

      Support for old levels is a bit hard unless you use the old level system.

    • A friendly reminder.

      Designing software is not like shopping after winning the lottery. I understand that you're excited that A2 is again a possibility. However, just because a program could do anything you imagine does not mean a programmer can make everything you want. With an inexperienced and ad hoc team, it's more like you're shopping for a car with $20 in your pocket and the shirt on your back. You're going to need to be lean on your expectations.

      Choose goals that are attainable with the resources you have, then work from there.

      Another word of wisdom: feature-begging only annoys the team and slows them down. I know because I've feature-begged before.

      And so you don't deride me for asking you to be realistic, when you say "So we don't start getting into flame wars over incompletely explained and understood visions of Avara 2, describe, in one post, your vision of it" that implies that the visions of A2 will actually have some significance, which is only possible if the ideas may be incorporated into a real A2.

    • It's worth noting that all these ideas, and in fact the concept of the topic itself, were created before Javara came along -- so it was basically just designed for a "wouldn't it be nice if" thing, rather than something that has actual relevance ("what should we add to Avara").

    • @groove, on May 10 2007, 01:51 AM, said in Vision of the Future:

      X compatibility.
      Open source.
      New missions for a solo campaign in addition to the old ones.
      Ultra-sleek interface.
      Hull editor so you could mix and combine traits to create any hull type you wish for missions.
      Map editor capable of doing everything the game requires.
      16 players max.
      New less laggy networking code, including an option for auto-downloading levels you don't have.
      Better scout control.
      HECTOR bots.

      In response:
      X compatibility - Mac OS X, or the X window system? To the former, certainly; to the latter, possibly.
      Open source - it'll be a cold day in hell.
      New missions for a solo campaign in addition to the old ones - possible. It'd probably need a new map format/editor though.
      Ultra-sleek interface - design sleek?
      Hull editor so you could mix and combine traits to create any hull type you wish for missions - again, I doubt it
      Map editor capable of doing everything the game requires - possible, also would be nice
      16 players max - only 16?
      New less laggy networking code, including an option for auto-downloading levels you don't have - there are networking libraries which'll sort everything out here nicely 🙂
      Better scout control - do away with them completely, I say.
      HECTOR bots - basic AI wouldn't be too difficult.

      EDIT: looks like a bit of a gravedig. Curse you, slower boards!

      This post has been edited by prophile : 03 June 2007 - 03:50 PM