*Ledorax hits himself on the head with a large, thick piece of ironwood.
"I especially need help on the part with setting up the start screen and the health bar"
Have you ever thought of learning how to use Coldstone? Ever? I don't want to sound.. rude, but if you don't know how to "set up" the start screen, you can't create a "great game". You were here some time ago.. for what? 2 months? 3? Didn't you ever learn anything, or did you just forget all of it?
I am begging you, Poger! Read the manual! Read the tutorial! Try to create a working game, just a simple one, and when you know how to use the program, you can start making a real game. But not now! Do you know anything about coldstone at all?
On to your question, then...
To create a health bar:
Written by GrahamVH on the 13th of september 2004:
You will require 3 variables gb_health, gb_healthmax, and gb_healthper. With the event that is called when the NPC attacks have it multiply the player's remaining life by 10 and store it as gb_health. Then multiply the player's max health by 10 and store that as gb_healthmax. Then Set gb_healthper to gb_health. Then divide gb_healthper by gb_healthmax. gb_healthper will give you the percent you need.
Then set the player portrait to the corresponding percent. If you would like some inaccuracy you can set the player portrait to be for all values greater than x and less than y to be this picture.
Your 30 out of 40 would end up being translated as follows:
gb_health = 30
gb_healthmax = 40
gb_health *10
gb_health = 300
gb_healthmax * 10
gb_healthmax = 400
gb_healthper = 300
gb_healthper / 400(gb_healthmax)
gb_healthper = 75
if gb_healthper = 75 then set player portrait to 75.pic or if gb_healthper is greater than or equal to 70 and less than 80 then use 70.pic
For start screen, you should probably do as Debra wrote...
I truly hope that helped you.
This post has been edited by Ledorax : 13 November 2004 - 05:27 PM