Originally posted by Pedrith:
**Hi Ellrx. I read your pdf and it sounds very interesting. I have yet to really begin detailed work with Coldstone, so most of what I read was confusing. I think a number of us here (or at least me) would like to see this system put into action. I understand that you are very busy, but would you be able to create a very simple game to show the system in action. Even just one or two battles to play through would help put the written tutorial into a better context.
I am still writing the script for my game but am thinking about the battle system. I know that a lot of people including myself have talked about turn based combat but you have written a indepth tutorial (for which you have my thanks), yet I still have trouble visualizing it.
If I decide to use your system run into problems implementing it would it be possible to email you for help? (Note it might take a while before i get the that stage, maybe June)
Anyways thanks again.
I go to a technical university;
no mascot
no sports
no summer break
just 3 trimesters a year for 3 years, from 1pm to 7pm and in about 3more trimesters it'll switch to 5pm-11pm...it is doubtful that i will ever finish,at least i've planned most of my games to be action, that should buy me some time...the whole point of the pdf was to show others how to build it, if someone beats me to building it or can poke a hole in the method than all the better, i'll see what i can do...