Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Next Tournament - when?

      6 14 1569

      Okay guys, we've had a small discussion, and I think that thread kind of died a death there - oops lumisa? 😉 So lets forget all about that and start afresh.

      Anklebiter - thanks very much for your offer to forward on when the next tournament will be, that is very kind of you.

      So now, we need to decide when it will be. Looking at your various responses it seems like most people are not that bothered time wise. Perhaps sometime over the Friday/Saturday/early Sunday period is best so as to allow Sunday recovery for those people who have to play at 2am 😉

      So, some suggestions, time differences I think are correct, let me know if I've goofed up

         Hawaii (-10) -> Texas (-5) -> UK (+1) -> East Europe (+2) -> Australia (+10) 
      a) 11pm Friday     4am Sat     10am Sat       11am Sat            7pm Sat
      b)  3am Saturday   7am Sat      1pm Sat        2pm Sat           10pm Sat 
      c)  6am Sat       11am Sat      5pm Sat        6pm Sat            2am Sun
      d) 11am Sat        4pm Sat     10pm Sat       11pm Sat            7am Sun

      Why don't you all decide when would be best (which times most people can make) and preferably giving some preference to those who could not make the last one.

      Incidentally, I'm not proposing to have one this weekend (unless you can all agree by Friday morning, UK time that you'd like one, and when!) Weekend after is out (at least for me, if anyone else wants to host, that's fine) as it is Easter.


    • Sorry I won't be able to make it this Saturday. In the evening we're expecting guests, so I'll be cooking and cleaning the house all afternoon. In the morning I'm in the shop and I doubt that its good to play a tournament, when customers come in... At least somebody might come in ... and disturb... errr...
      BTW I prefer to play on weeknights. Especially Tuesday is my "day off"... 😉


    • sorry for ruining your thread crono.
      i won´t be able to play the tournament either.
      have fun everyone and good luck.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **sorry for ruining your thread crono.

      That's okay about the thread 🙂


      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **i won´t be able to play the tournament either.
      have fun everyone and good luck.

      I thought I said that I wasn't thinking of hosting one this weekend (or next!) So which one can you not make? 😉

      I'd better just add that the idea of the above suggestions was to give people an idea of what times for them will mean with regards to everyone else, and hence for people to discuss when would be a good idea between them. Date, and hence day of the week is a totally sperate issue. 🙂

      The earliest I was thinking was sometime next week, either Wednesday, or now maybe Tuesday, since that suits mikrisa 🙂 I don't mind if someone else hosts, but if I am hosting on a weekday then it will have to start in a fairly tight timezone range of 7pm -> 9pm. (Guessing at finishing before midnight) I tend to be up at 6:30am, so I need early nights!

      So discuss away - I'll shut-up now and listen 🙂

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      I thought I said that I wasn't thinking of hosting one this weekend (or next!) So which one can you not make? 😉

      oops yes, you are right 😕 - i must have skipped the last part there jumping directly to mikrisas post that intensified my misinterpretation. 🙂 (phew, at least i wasn´t the only one reading too hastily, - maybe it runs in the family..or is it a age/language-thing again?)


      Originally posted by Crono:
      I'd better just add that the idea of the above suggestions was to give people an idea of what times for them will mean with regards to everyone else, and hence for people to discuss when would be a good idea between them. Date, and hence day of the week is a totally sperate issue. 🙂

      in the end i was not too wrong after all, because i will not be able to play until after easter anyway, and than none of the times you suggested are really possible for me. but please don´t think about me when deciding about times, i´ve played plenty of tournaments now and would gladly "sacrifice" my participation in favor of players like dingo who didn´t get the opportunity too often.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      I thought I said that I wasn't thinking of hosting one this weekend (or next!) So which one can you not make? 😉

      Crono, i must admit that I thought the same as lumisa (and mikrisa) and was already working on my weekend schedule... somehow I did not catch that this is just a theoretical scheduling of a tourney 🙂

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂
      Hyko, the great Offender 😉

    • Im a student,, and I dont know how to sleep: ) so any time is great for me!!


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      I thought I said that I wasn't thinking of hosting one this weekend (or next!) So which one can you not make? 😉

      Hmmm, I did read that it wasn't meant to be at this weekend, but after you said that it won't be next weekend but never the less offered Friday night as a possible time, I made up my mind that it must have been you, Crono, who was a little bit confused 😉


      Originally posted by lumisa:
      (...) maybe it runs in the family..or is it a age/language-thing again?)

      ... considering the fact that my English is even worse and my age... well I could almost be Lumisas mother... (and Ryoko - by the way - that is the reason why I was allowed to pick on her age at her birthday party) ... what I want to say... errrr... probably it was my fault I got you wrong


      Originally posted by lumisa:
      in the end i was not too wrong after all, because i will not be able to play until after Easter anyway, and than none of the times you suggested are really possible for me.

      Concerning any Saturday at any weekend including the two weekends after Easter that's right for me as well, because


      Originally posted by mikrisa:
      In the evening we're expecting guests ...



      (This message has been edited by mikrisa (edited 04-10-2003).)

    • d'oh

      Was reading through again - apologies, it is more than a little confusing. My excuse is that it was written quickly at work, and not perhaps given the amount of though that it should have been 😉

      So yes, I was/am just trying to give people an idea of relative times, and I chose Fri/Sat/Sunday primarily to enhance this - mainly because I would prefer to host at weekends. However, the idea was just to differentiate the timezones more explicitly.

      Sorry about the confusion!
      Bad Crono!

      Once you guys have decided on a preferred time and date, I'll be happy to host it if I can. Otherwise, my own suggestions would be maybe for a weekday one next week (in the run-up to Easter), followed by maybe the weekend after the Easter one.

      Thanks for the thoughts though in this thread and the other!
      Crono (back at work)


    • no tournament this week? :frown:

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust! False politeness? Comes with the job.

    • Maybe we should consider setting up a system where we can have a tournament whenever we want,, because sometimes,, especially lately ill see like 10 registered people on the tracker,,, maybe if we could just set up, spontaneously, a quick tournament there, that would be so cool,,,, but then again I dont like thinking, and so I wouldnt have the slightess clue how to set that up : )


    • Quote

      Originally posted by HoNu:
      **Maybe we should consider setting up a system where we can have a tournament whenever we want,, because sometimes,, especially lately ill see like 10 registered people on the tracker,,, maybe if we could just set up, spontaneously, a quick tournament there, that would be so cool,,,, but then again I dont like thinking, and so I wouldnt have the slightess clue how to set that up : )

      it's not so much that, but we had 10 players (for a bit) in the last one. It took 3 hours! 🙂 Most people won't generally be able to stay that long if they are not expecting to. However - if you'd like to do so, and everyone wants to play then by all means go ahead. If there aren't many peole, it is easy enough just to mail scores to someone central after all.

      @anklebiter : no, nothing this weekend, most people are not around, and next weekend being Easter means I do not think there will be one then either. However, we'll see about next week. Is there any chance you might be able to mail round (or I could send you a mail to pass on) inviting people to come here and decide when they would like a tournament?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by HoNu:
      **Maybe we should consider setting up a system where we can have a tournament whenever we want,, because sometimes,, especially lately ill see like 10 registered people on the tracker,,, maybe if we could just set up, spontaneously, a quick tournament there, that would be so cool,,,, but then again I dont like thinking, and so I wouldnt have the slightess clue how to set that up : )

      The System we used last time to report the results of the first round has already the abilities to let everyone host their own tournaments, but currently this is restricted to users who have host rights. I wanted to avoid too much non-used tourneys on the system and furthermore did not write any descriptions/ manuals yet...
      If you like I can give You the rights to create, edit and host tournaments on the site. So you won't have to do this "e-mail" thing if you found some people for a spontaneous tourney in Your time-zone's prime time 😉 ...

      Anyway it would be very nice to see most of those (who have the possibility) on a tourney out of crono's new tournament series 🙂

      Have a look on my inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂
      Hyko, the great Offender 😉

    • That would be sweet, I think there will definitely a possiblity of doing spontaneous tourneys,, so let me know what I need to do
