Okay guys, we've had a small discussion, and I think that thread kind of died a death there - oops lumisa? So lets forget all about that and start afresh.
Anklebiter - thanks very much for your offer to forward on when the next tournament will be, that is very kind of you.
So now, we need to decide when it will be. Looking at your various responses it seems like most people are not that bothered time wise. Perhaps sometime over the Friday/Saturday/early Sunday period is best so as to allow Sunday recovery for those people who have to play at 2am
So, some suggestions, time differences I think are correct, let me know if I've goofed up
 Hawaii (-10) -> Texas (-5) -> UK (+1) -> East Europe (+2) -> Australia (+10)
a) 11pm Friday   4am Sat   10am Sat    11am Sat       7pm Sat
b)  3am Saturday  7am Sat    1pm Sat     2pm Sat      10pm Sat
c)  6am Sat    11am Sat    5pm Sat     6pm Sat       2am Sun
d) 11am Sat     4pm Sat   10pm Sat    11pm Sat       7am Sun
Why don't you all decide when would be best (which times most people can make) and preferably giving some preference to those who could not make the last one.
Incidentally, I'm not proposing to have one this weekend (unless you can all agree by Friday morning, UK time that you'd like one, and when!) Weekend after is out (at least for me, if anyone else wants to host, that's fine) as it is Easter.