Guy, on Nov 3 2005, 03:03 AM, said:
Why not just make the fighters have like 1 armour or something?
It doesn't work with the rest of the universe too well...
Okay, so let's have 5 missions.
Missions A and B are the ones you want to start depending on the state of bxxx.
Missions C and D will be used as a substitute for bxxx. Mission C will be activated when you start the game. In its OnAbort it will have sA sC. Mission D's OnAbort will have sB sD.
Now whenever you change bxxx you should instead put fC sD to set it or fD sC to clear it. So mission D being active is equivalent to bxxx being set, and mission C being active is equivalent to bxxx being clear.
Mission E is the one you abort manually. In its OnAbort put aC aD. So if mission C is active (ie, bxxx is set) then it will get aborted which will start mission A and also mission C again. Else if mission D is active then it will get aborted which will start mission B and also mission D again.
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Damn that's nice!
Now can I do something similar with require and contribute? The above will help in a lot of situations.
But in the case of the fighters, the only way to tell if you have at least one of any various versions docked is through the contribute bits, unless i'm mistaken.
How can I get that to work on an OnAbort?
IF contribute1 is true {Sxxx else Syyy}
I did manage to solve the fighter problem on the ground. And it is robust in that the player can't break or cheat it.
Even better, I maganged to swap loadout in flight through a pers mission. However, the pers mission wasn't very robust in that you could gain extra fighters.
I had it set up so that the mission to make an interceptor into a bomber only available if you had an interceptor in a bay (contribute bit)
The pers would know if you had fighters available to convert but the problem was that if you launched or recalled after the initial contact, he couldn't keep up with the changes.
Also the pers only offers one mission and I need two. One go from interceptor > bomber and the other to go back. And I'm having trouble getting two pers to always appear.
Anyway here is the map of the outfits on the ground.
Fighter Loadout Variants
This will simulate a bay that holds up to 4 fighters - with each fighter being able to change between 2 different variants when at a port with an outtfitter, and still have the option of only buying new fighters where you want them to be available. Plus, it remains consistant to any cost and weight mechanics you may have set up.
#1 Fighter Bay This is really for cosmetics and cost consistancy - the overhead required to run the place, cost and mass. The real bays (weaps) need to be cheaper and closer to the cost of the fighters themselves the way they are being used in this. This is really a featureless weapon with max ammmo of 4 and #2 is the ammo.
#2 Fighter Loadout Area This is actually ammo for #1 but when you punchase these they also Gxxx an actuall fighter bay #3 and a Fighter #5. This makes it so that you can't sell the Fighter Bay without selling the Loadout Areas first, and also sets up max 4 areas per bay. Cannot sell these. Cost this appropriate for the cost of a fighter.
Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, this also solves a different problem too. I always though it would be nice to be able to customize the size of the bay based on how many fighters you bought for it without making multiple sized versions of the same bay. The problem was that if you give fighters mass as a limitation, you can launch them to free up more mass. This way we can give the loadout area the mass, and you can't launch that.
#3 Fighter Bay (Interceptor) Invisible outfit. This gets placed by #2, it is the outfit associated with the weap for launching the interceptor variant. Max ammo of 1. (You will have a launcher for each fighter.)
#4 Fighter Bay (Bomber) Invisible outfit. Gets placed upon swaping, see below. It is the outfit associated with the weap for launching the bomber variant. Max ammo of 1.
#5 Fighter (Interceptor Loadout) Cannot buy. Available everywhere. Ammo for #3. Gets placed initially by purchasing #2. Selling this will Gxxx #6, and also Dxxx #3 and Gxxx #4. The sell mechanic works funny here, but it is the only way to insure that the player has a fighter to swap. We swap out a copy of the launchers here as well, so that the player can't pick up disabled fighters unless he has lost one. Sets a contribute bit A.
#6 Fighter (Bomber Loadout) Cannot buy. Available everywhere. Ammo for #4. Gets placed by selling #5. Sell this and it Gxxx #5 Dxxx #4 Gxxx #3. Similar to above. Note that the player doesn't see the launchers themselves swapping, because the Loadout Area #2 doesn't change it's tally. It shows the totall number of fighters you have and the Loadouts #5-6 show the breakdown of what kind of fighters you have. You can swap #5-6 indefinately at cost 0, as long as you have a fighter in a bay to convert. Though, I suppose you could add a re-tooling fee if you want. Sets a contribut bit B.
You can't ever get too many fighters because you can only purchase them by buying #2 the Loadout Area, and you can only have 4 per Fighter Bay. You can't capture fighters unless you have lost one first because you have 1 launcher per fighter.
Those are the components. The next three are tools to use since we co-opted the sell buttons.
#7 Sell an Interceptor These sell something when you "purchase" them. This will sell one copy of a #2 #3 #5 but you can only do this if there happens to be a #5 available (require bit A check). It also runs a mission to give you some credits back for the fighter. It also removes itself.
#8 Sell a Bomber Works like #7 but Dxxx #2 #4 #6. Require bit B check.
#9 Remove Empty Loading Areas Is only available to use if you have no fighters at all. (regardless of docked or not) After a battle you may have lost some fighters. The only way to replenish them is to re-buy #2 Loadout Area. You can't do that if you are already maxed out. And you can't sell a #5 or #6 unless you have a corresponding fighter. (All that is necessary to keep the system robust.) So you first sell what you can and get credit back, and then use this to "reformat" the inside of your bay. It Dxxx every copy of everything except #1 (though when this is available it means you only have residual launchers and loading areas. No fighters hiding in orbit!)
The only unusuall part is having to buy certian items to sell, and selling some items to convert. But I think with clear instructions in the outfit descriptions that won't be too bad.
As pointed out earlier, it should be straight forward to have more variants, larger or smaller bays, etc. Just keep 1 launcher for every fighter. And you only need 1 contribute bit per variant. Though You need 9 outfits, a mission (to get money on selling), and a weapon for every variant + 1. But this works the same regardles of the number of fighters the bay is to hold.
Now all I have to do is get the swaps working in flight!
This post has been edited by Desprez : 03 November 2005 - 02:37 AM