Well... After what seems to have been 10 hours of programming work, I've got an updated version of SpacePort to distribute.
http://www.evula.org/infernostudios/downlo...acePort110.sitx (932 KB)
This is a .sitx'd application. Just drop this in the SpaceShip folder, and throw out the older version of the application.
Most of the enhancements none of you will see. But the majority of the work done has to do with Mac OS 8 compatibility, and for that, I worked for these several past hours with Consul Bob. As a direct result of this, I've added in a debugging mode, as well as it's 'fast debug' counterpart (same thing, but faster, and doesn't update as often), and a beta tool I had that allowed you to skip resource types. Again, the majority of you won't need it, and for that, the omit will remain undocumented, however, it will be there in case you need to debug an error.
For those of you running OS 8, you are required to run in the Debug mode or Fast Debug mode... Debug mode contains several redundancy measures, as well as repetitive, verbose output to ensure Mac OS 8's more primitive file handling works as it should.
If any of you intend to release or extensively use a ported plugin, please, send me an email. I'd like to know just how many people (or if any at all!) are using my software. In the meantime, feel free to offer suggestions.
If this turns out to be fairly successful in the next few days, I'll go ahead and upload it to ambrosia's server.
~ SP