Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Pilotlog Dumping

      Is there a way to tell Nova to do this after the program starts?

      TROGDOR! burninating the

    • Make a pilot log. Easy as that.

      -Unreal Centipede
      (url="http://"")My Profile(/url) "When sliding down the banter of life, hope that the splinters arnt pointing the wrong way." - Me
      "Bill Gates will die, by choking on an Apple" - Black Cacodemon (url="http://"")Trogdor The BURNANATER!(/url) (url="http://"")Trogdor the game!!!(/url) "Nova might only run better on a windows after you plow your computer over with a semitruck, But, you cant win them all" - Pikeman (The PC Nova Song Time: 1:05 )

    • what? I already have a pilotlog.txt file in my nova folder. what Im asking is if there is a way to tell nova to redump the log in the middle of a gameplay session without quitting and restarting nova.

      TROGDOR! burninating the

    • Quote

      Originally posted by TrogdorTheBurninator:
      **what? I already have a pilotlog.txt file in my nova folder. what Im asking is if there is a way to tell nova to redump the log in the middle of a gameplay session without quitting and restarting nova.


      load the pilot again.

      I'm president of the United States and I refuse to eat broccoli! - George H. W. Bush
      But the elevator is broken in this building. So I'm gonna have to jump! - (url="http://"")Strong Bad(/url)
      (url="http://"")Lost in Translation(/url)

    • After you land on a planet just hit escape and open your pilot file again and there ya go..> refresh of your pilot log.

      -All your Duct Tape are belong to us

    • ummm....froggy said that already...several days ago...but thanks for the help
      correct me if Im wrong, but isnt there some rule about reviving old topics?

      TROGDOR! burninating the

    • Only if the topic is months or years old.


    • On Windows, the pilot log creation behavior is kind of weird. If you have a file called pilotlog.txt in the main Nova folder, it will log the pilot only when Nova starts up. However, if you have a file called pilotlog.txt in the pilots folder, Nova will log the pilot everytime you load a new pilot. So, the fastest way to get a pilot log is to put pilotlog.txt in the Pilots folder, land on a planet, hit Escape to get to the main screen, and reload your pilot.
