Is there a way to tell Nova to do this after the program starts?
TROGDOR! burninating the
Is there a way to tell Nova to do this after the program starts?
TROGDOR! burninating the
Make a pilot log. Easy as that.
-Unreal Centipede
(url="http://"")My Profile(/url) "When sliding down the banter of life, hope that the splinters arnt pointing the wrong way." - Me
"Bill Gates will die, by choking on an Apple" - Black Cacodemon (url="http://"")Trogdor The BURNANATER!(/url) (url="http://"")Trogdor the game!!!(/url) "Nova might only run better on a windows after you plow your computer over with a semitruck, But, you cant win them all" - Pikeman (The PC Nova Song Time: 1:05 )
what? I already have a pilotlog.txt file in my nova folder. what Im asking is if there is a way to tell nova to redump the log in the middle of a gameplay session without quitting and restarting nova.
TROGDOR! burninating the
Originally posted by TrogdorTheBurninator:
**what? I already have a pilotlog.txt file in my nova folder. what Im asking is if there is a way to tell nova to redump the log in the middle of a gameplay session without quitting and restarting nova.
load the pilot again.
I'm president of the United States and I refuse to eat broccoli! - George H. W. Bush
But the elevator is broken in this building. So I'm gonna have to jump! - (url="http://"")Strong Bad(/url)
(url="http://"")Lost in Translation(/url)
ummm....froggy said that already...several days ago...but thanks for the help
correct me if Im wrong, but isnt there some rule about reviving old topics?
TROGDOR! burninating the
On Windows, the pilot log creation behavior is kind of weird. If you have a file called pilotlog.txt in the main Nova folder, it will log the pilot only when Nova starts up. However, if you have a file called pilotlog.txt in the pilots folder, Nova will log the pilot everytime you load a new pilot. So, the fastest way to get a pilot log is to put pilotlog.txt in the Pilots folder, land on a planet, hit Escape to get to the main screen, and reload your pilot.