Or did I completely misunderstand your problem?
Yup, you did. The Ferry Passenger missions are generic, that is they always appear. There are only two distinctions. b424 is turned on when you are in a Vell-os ship in the Vell-os string. That ncb stops the general passenger missions, and turns on the passengers missions that say they want to travel in a Vell-os ship.
Nevertheless, there are always some kind of passenger missions available in Federation space (AvailStel 10000). Most of them keep you in Federation space (TravelStel 10000).
The 30000 AvailStel and TravelStel designator should simply change the availability and destination spobs from government 128 to government 128 AND classmates of government 128. If you don't change anything else, in misn, spob, syst, or any other resource, then if the missions are available with AvailStel 10000, they should be equally available with AvailStel 30000. And similarly with destinations.
What started all this is that I added a new system and planet (linked to the system Viking is in) and I wanted the generic missions available at the new planet. So I created a new government for the new system and spob and gave it four new (unused) classes - 22, 23, 24, and 26. I then moved the governments for the Federation-128, the Auroran Empire-129, the Polaris-130, and the Rebels-141, into the plug with the new system and planet and the modified syst for Viking to add the link to the new system.
Then I added to the four original governments a new class to each. I made 22 a secondary class for the Feds, 23 a secondary class for the Aurorans, 24 a secondary class for the Polaris, and 26 a secondary class for the Rebs. This, I thought, should make the new system a classmate of the all four of the major governments.
Then I moved the generic passenger missions into the plug, and changed ONLY the AvailaStel, from 10000/10001/10002/10013 to 30000/30001/30002/30013. Except, of course, that there weren't any 10013s. The Reb missions start specifically from Evelei or Koria.
However, none of the missions showed up in the BBS on the new planet. So I started this post. The last comment was occasioned by the fact that additional experimenting, changing the TravelStel from 10000/etc. to 30000/etc. caused the debuglog to burp.