After reading the EV:O bible it made things a lot easier. I decided to try to make a beam weapon to test what I know. Obviosly i did somthing wrong and I can't find out what. The weapon is buyable and shootable and you can see it. The only problem is it wont attack. It just goes right through everything I point it at. It dosent inflict any dammage
here is what I put for the Weapon file:
reload 1
count 1
massDmg 500
energyDmg 500
guidance 0
speed 30000
Ammo type -1
graphic -4
Inaccuracy 0
sound 11 (cresant fighter launch)
Impact 30
ExplodeType 2
ProxRadius 4
BlastRadius 10
Misc Flags $2292 (8850)
Seeker $FFFF
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"Centuri's Revenge"