Originally posted by clicknett:
**I've got the id #s. Now... where do i type them in. I copied and opened the Data files. I open the sys. and everything is in neat little fields. Unfortunetly, the next time i open it, IT'S IN HEX! How do i get it back to the convenient little forms? Actually, it was just a fluk that one time, but i need that interface back! Hex numbers can't be worked with.
To get rid of the hex fields, you need to have the "TMPL" resources (templates) in EV Data open--these templates allow Resedit to translate all hex into workable "convenient little forms". That one "fluke" you described was most likely your editing your Plug without having EV Data open. An easy solution is to copy all TMPL resources in EV Data and put them into your plugin. That way, you can edit them easily whenever you need to.
One other thing--beware of a small annoyance in Resedit: If you open your plug and edit its resources with the EV Data Templates open, you can edit your plug with the fields, but if you close EV Data before closing the resources you're editing, you'll get an "Unknown field type found" error in Resedit, forcing you to close your plug without saving (nasty). Having the TMPL resources in your plug will eliminate this too.
If I write a letter to be put in a time capsule to be opened when time travel is possible, and if in my letter I ask for some item to be sent back in time to the point I sealed my time capsule, wouldn't that item appear just as I seal the capsule? Just a thought...