heh, What If is a plugin by myself and my brother (Halabut - he doesnt come here much). It focuses on and alternate universe where history ran differently - I may have more details of this bit soon. It was originally for EV, but due to the new features in EV:O 1.0.2 we decided to move. We do have plans to port to EV:3, but the EV:O version will be completed before we move.
Basically in the What If universe armour plays a larger part than sheilding, and we have several alien races around.
Currently we have:
Humans (obviously - it's based around out history)
Vich'a'pu'be (try pronouncing it
The Outsiders (Name changing soon)
A mysterious race from Andromeda
and a couple of others.
And, of course, there are factions, not just in the human side but in the aliens too.
There will be several different main plotlines, some will interlink and some will be mutually exclusive. Also - there are some other minor plotlines in the factions.
Watch out for a beta version with the whole universe in place for EV:O.