Originally posted by Overrider720:
"Hey SD! Odepius took of the dress you gave him at the freeport bar!" Overrider scans Odepius's throat. "The rules sign is gone to!" Overrider shoves the new rules sign down Odepius's throat and gets him to put on the pink dress that says "I want my mommy!"
(edited 05-12-2001).)
wow, i really feel sorry for Odepius, whoever the h*** that is. anyway, Jive comes in, notices the absence of Oedipus in a bar, takes the largest hunk of Oedipus meat and and takes it to the tleilaxu vats, where he grows another Oedipus.
Five days later, A huge tremor goes through the station as Oedipus bursts through the door.
"Oh, sorry, I mustve crashed my Voinian cruiser into the planet, dont worry, this place wont shake apart, too much.
IIIMM BAAACK!" "not too many memories, but enough to remember this place and how to use all my weapons :D" He then pulls out a flamethrower and cajun fries Overrider. After thats done, he goes to the bar and orders a saalian brandy.
what have I become, my sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away, in the end