I here by make Titan and Carnotaur a mod. This story is getting to hectic!
ESPilot, I did not turn you down! I was gone for today and couldn't responed! Also I am not on Azdgari HQ, I'm with Entropy.
And Carnotaur, I need that map NOW!
Research project initiated
Project item name: Dulplex shielding
Estimated time to finish: 5 posts.
Desc: It's a special kind of shields that use Hyperspace cores to power them. They are 10 times as strong as regular shields.
<Message to ESPilot>
<What is this plan of yours? Tell me and I will give you 5 Azdgari Warships plus 1 million credits.>
<End message>
Meanwhile, where ever Entropy is:
"Ok, I'll give you my complete support and coperation. Maybe if people see a strong Empire protesting they'll change their minds."
Nova6 grins.
Entropy responeds....
Posted by SilverDragon:
**The Igazra leaped into the Mavs system. 2 Crescent warships, 3 Laziras, 2 Aradas
and three Crescent fighters were present. The Crescent warships quickly sent out
their six fighters, and the nine fighters moved to attack the Igazra.
"Launch SAIs! One for each fighter!" Esponer commanded. A bunch of 3 SAI modules
came out from the Igazra, destroying three Crescent fighters instantly. Five more
were destroyed before they reached the Igazra.
"Spray fire from remaining phase turrets!"
Indeed their weren't many phase turrets still on the Igazra - only two. It was enough,
however, to secure the fate of the lone Crescent fighter. The fighter quickly
By this time the Laziras and Aradas had reached the Igazra, and were attacking it,
causing heavy damage. The Igazra fired out a blast from it's Neutron Blaster, and
another one followed a few seconds later, destroying one Lazira.
It fired off another two neutron blasts, levelling another Lazira. Shields were getting
low now, and the phase turrets had only picked off one Arada.
By this time the Crescent warships were also coming close.
"Fire SAIs at one Crescent warship!" Esponer commanded. A cluster of SAIs flew out,
followed by another cluster, and another. One Crescent warship exploded.
The Igazra turned on the two Aradas, dispensing one with a neutron blast and another
with phase fire. Now one Lazira and one Crescent warship were attacking it, but
luckily the Lazira was out of heavy rockets.
A blast of neutron energy smashed into the Lazira, followed by phase fire and another
neutron blast. The Lazira exploded.
"This Neutron Blaster is very good." Esponer remarked.
"Yes, but it's almost completely depleted our fuel supply."
"Hmm... Send the command back after the battle to give all Igazras 20 jumps fuel."
Esponer murmured.
The Igazra, which was now at critical shields, hit the Crescent warship with one neutron
blast while the renegade ship made a pass, and another neutron blast fired out when
the Crescent warship was almost on top of the Igazra.
"Disable it!" Esponer commanded.
The Crescent warship was disabled, and the fuel was stolen.
Shields on the Igazra were down.
"We need to a) raise fuel, and
raise shields. I'll have to work on both of those
right away." Esponer commented.**
Revoked, you did not give Titan a chance to responed. Please edit your post.
Posted by SilverDragon:
**The shield problem remains, but Esponer hears that a man named ESPilot has
devised a device that greatly raises shields....
<<Message to ESPilot>>
<<From Esponer of the Igadzra>>
<<Top Class Courier>>
I'm offering you 7m for the blueprints for your "Tomato" Shield Generator, and 5m
to keep it from other races.
If you don't mind, when in use by Igadzra ships it will be known as the "Enhanced
Esponer out.**
Revoked, you have NO idea what he is doing. Also, how did you know it was called the "Tomato" Shield Generator?
Posted by SilverDragon:
**OOC: The income is way too slow. It would take me 2.5 days of no research and total
saving up to produce 1 of these ships, so making an army large enough would take a
about six months.
Are you sure you don't want to consider making a more reasonable income figure for
I'm not going to use the econamy report anymore. What good is it?
Posted by SilverDragon:
Purchase "Tomato" shields
Revoked. Everything that has to do with SilverDragon getting or knowing about "Tomato" shields is revoked.
Long live the Rebellion!
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