Originally posted by Captain Scurvy:
**Okay guys, Its kinda hard getting all this down.
I have all of your sign up forms so far (I WANT MORE THO, COME AND SIGN UP!!!!). I'll also put all the info we've put down so far, as well as some slot reservations (we might change those a bit later, as we see accordingly).
Also, in a day or so, I'll have a webboard up, either on oxy-soft itself, or a personal boardhost for the time being, just so we can set up.
Also, I invite any of you to join #worlds on irc on efnet (use irc.prison.net). I'll be setting up something there so we can chat on irc (and we will, so if you don't have it, get it).
For referece purposes, note that while I have cpmpleted a sign-up form, it is only as a kibitzer, not as a full working member.
CS, I think I'll passs on IRC, can someone send me logs of the sessions? Just too many other demands on my time.
A few comments here, for what they are worth:
I think some of you are getting ahead of yourselves. It's good to be enthusiastic, but if you jump into things too quickly, you may have to undo and/or redo much of your work. Do all the planning and thinking you can, make notes of everything you want to do, but don't do much if any creating of resources until the project gets organized.
I notice that one very important issue that has not been resolved is WHERE all these different governments are going to be located. That is a critical piece of information to have before you start placing systems. I suggest someone or several someones produce a galactic map with proposed territories marked in so everyone know where to put their systems. And you need to decide where the player will start the game - will it be in the territory of one race, or in a "neutral zone" or independent area?
Another issue is the allocation of system ID numbers. If, as some have discussed, you wish to reserve a bloc of ID numbers for changing systems with VisBits, those should probably be taken out of the
'pool' before resources are allocated to the different govts - and that would reduce the initial number of systems each government would have. Maybe assign 100 system IDs to each govt and hold the other 300 in reserve? I would recommend that the last (highest) numbers (829-1128) be reserved. (You should also probably reserve some mission slots for general cargo and passenger missions, but that is less serious.)
I don't remember whether it has been discussed or what has been decided, but are you talking about different socities or different species (or both) for the races/govts you are planning? That can make some major differences. Non-human species could and probably would have very different concepts and ideas than humans, even if they were humanoid. Aliens might require the same types of planets as humans, or they might have very different environmental needs so that they would not relly compete with humans for the same types of planets (For instance, a cooperative agreement might be worked out where humans take class M planets and the Dren take class G worlds, maybe even in the same system.) One alien race may be pathologically xenophobic, so its natural reaction is to attempt to destroy any other race it encounters (including humans.) Another race may believe it is destined to rule all races and try to conquer everywhere it goes. Another may be generally indifferent to all other races. Anyway you need to decide wheteher you are dealing with humans or nonhumans or both and plan accordingly.
Another concept to consider is that there can be more than one party or faction within a government or race; humans are not all of the same beliefs, why should other races be different? (If they should be different, explain why in 500 words and have the paper on my desk Monday morning
That's all I have for now. This thing is looking good, but take some time to organize now, or you will have to spend much more time doing it later. Been there, done that.
Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer