Originally posted by widowmaker:
**First, I'm not sure you read all my post, not only does it say that the voinian war was upon us but it says you just graduated from a UE training school. Now, that is clearly biased. Plus you cant get much of an argument that the Voinian cause was better. All I'm saying is, they were not "Ships from the depths of space.... with one intention... obliteration"
Next, so your going to call the Voinians having great armor a flaw. Well, what if I call hunter missles a flaw as the Voinians have nothing to counter them. Its the same case with the cresent, they have nothing to counter armor.
Common sense tells you to compare things eh.. Okay I need to put a nail in the wall and I have 2 tools a screwdriver and a hammer. The hammer is far more effective so the hammer must be the better tool.
Finally, no, of course you couldn't be put into the book of world records as the most head-strong person ever, a decision like that would be far to subjective.
P.S. do I tell you what to do in your free time? I only tell you what to think
I was joking about the whole "spouse killing thing." A widow, fo course, is a person who was married but their spouse died. A "widow maker" is someone who (duh!) makes widows. To make a person a widow, you have to make their spouse die. If you make a person die, you kill them. Therfore, a "widow maker" is a person who kills other people's spouses.
I was only joking. No, I do not believe you actually kill other people's spouses.
As for the "bias" thing, all I have to say is the the Voinians DID start the war? How do we know? Read the intro- the only reason why the UE government was formed was so the humans could fight the Voinians! Want more proof? A while back, someone posted a topic called "EV:O- Cold War Satire?" In it, Peter Cartwright- the very man who wrote the entire plot to EVO Override- had a few comments to say. Among them was this- (i'm paraphrasing a little bit)- the UE is what might have happened if the Great Powers of the 19th century had been colonizing worlds instead of Africa and then some aliens had come (Peter expressed it better than I did) and started killing humans. Read it and see for youself. What it means that human-colonized space was divided between nations or planets and whatnot until the Voinians came and (most) of the human realized that they needed to be united if they were to be a match for the Voinians.
And as for the Voinians' intent not being obliteration, just what kinds of territorial changes do you get to do in their missions? Completely destroy two colonies! (Kelmaon and Verril Prime) Oh yes, and if the intro is so biased, then why does it mention the fact that some are sick of the UE government- and not in negative terms. It says (paraphrasing) some people that never saw a Voinian ship are having their kids taken to fight a war that means nothing to them. "And most of all, they are ruled by a distant Earth government." If the intro was UE-biased it would say something like those people being selfish or something.
Also, the hammer vs. screwdriver analogy is flawed when it comes to the UE ships vs. Voinian ships comparison. In a fair fight, the better man/ship/whatever wins. For example: There's two boxers: Joe and Bill. Joe can beat Bill when they box, but Bill suffers less injuries when he fights any other boxer than when Joe fights that boxer (i.e. when Bill fights Sam, he suffers less injuries than Joe does when Joe fights Sam.) By your
standards, Bill is a better fighter than Joe.
That's all for now. 
God bless,
UE Patriot
"Turn me over, I'm done on this side."- St. Lawerence at his martyrdom
"The glory of God is man fully alive"- some saint whose name I can't remember
Voinian lovers are ignorant of the UE marines taking over Borb Station.
Reign of the UE: Coming this year!