Hehe, have you played EVO Plus, Lone?
I thought that pod story sounded kinda familiar...
Anyway, the UE rushed Destroyers and Fighters into mass production when the Voinians attacked, but before that, the Fighter and Destroyer were only prototypes. Then Carriers were designed to rush the all-important fighters into the fray. The Cruiser was Anna Balashova's latest design, and it can take out not one, but (b)two(b) Voinian Cruisers on it's own. But it rarely appears. Destroyers vs. Frigates. Destroyers win 100% of the time. Period. UEFs vs. VHFs. UE Fighters win this almost all the time, the VHF is too slow. Carrier vs. Cruiser. Carrier wins 90% of the time. I guess the UE has better ships.
Weapons? Well, blaze cannons have short range and are innacurate, but UE ships are usually close enough so that that doesn't matter. Then the intense rate of fire and good damage takes over. Neutron blasts are slow-firing and slow-moving (typical Voinian :D) but they pack one hell of a punch. Rocket Turrets take up too much space, and all though they do good damage they don't hit very often. Hunters take up lotsa space too, but they do good damage and are guided. Overall, gotta say that the UE has better weapons.
Cause? Well now, that's a toughie...
Planets? The UE has enough resources to support it's defences and occasional attacks. Ditto for Voinians. Tie game.
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