Originally posted by dreese:
**They're not COMPLETELy worthless. Sure they're hard to deliver, but if you align just right and have perfect timing, one space mine will take out about a half dozen Crescent Fighters.:D Which is why I was trying to use them. Unfortunately, they are NOT effective when those fighters are all around you. 
They're also extremely effective when you're trying to dominate the Voinians while using the "Dominator" cheater/plug-in, i.e. the one that releases all 38 ships at once. <IMG SRC="http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/smile.gif" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15">
It's quite a sight to see 38 voinian fighters all exploding at once...
I trust you Ubbie baby-Pam
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
You know Harry, I used to like you-Ubermann
Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
'Nuff said
Gene pools need their own lifeguards.
A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!