Originally posted by Defiance:
When you fight the dreadnaught, it launches three rockets at once, and this ability seems to be omnidirectional(it would launch them in a spread, so one at least one would always hit). If you get the dreadnaught, does it have this ability?
Yes, you can capture the Dreadnaught and it does have that ability.
Until you land.
Unfortunately, the rocket salvo weapon does not have a corresponding outfit.
So the next time you land (or maybe it only happens if you go into the
outfitters, I don't remember), you lose the rocket salvo launcher,
the enhanced neutron cannons, and the interceptor bay!
To correct this, you need to make a plugin that causes the outfits to exist
(even if they're unavailable), and you have to use it before you capture
the dreadnaught (using it after the fact will not repair your dreadnaught).
As our esteemed Voinian Ambassador says, we were not meant to fly this ship
(but it is possible to capture without cheating), although it makes an
impressive-looking escort.