Overrider: Yes, Gazza already contacting me regarding the matter. Also, are you going to join the Lethe or Cydonians? Need some direct and final answers here...
Space Between: So is it Cydonians or Lethe? 
Mac: If my memory serves me correctly, Yamamoto's Midway task force was as follows:
6 carriers (Akagi (flagship), Kaga (battleship converted into a carrier), Hiryu, Sorya, Shokaku, and Zuikaku. Hiryu and Soryu were the smallest of those six.
2 Battleships: The Kirishima (sunk at Guadalcanal) and the Hiei (also sunk by the U.S.S. Washington at Guadalcanal).
2 Heavy Cruisers: Tone and Chickuma
1 Light Cruiser: Abukuma
11 Destroyers: Tanikaze, Urakaze, Isokaze, Hamakaze, Kasumi, Arare, Kagero, Shiranui, Akigumo, Akebono, and Ushio (I had to look up these destroyer names again to remember them all :p).
After Midway, the heavy cruisers Kumano, Mikuma, Mogami, and (I believe) the Atago also joined the battle.
I'll be glad to make you the Cydonian leader.
Jager: You originally requested me to put you with the Confederation.
I'd really prefer that you guys keep the positions you first wanted... It's really making these hard.
Each independent system will get their own shipyard, as well as color.
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