Originally posted by escape_alex:
**first make em a new pilot, show them the basic keys like m is map l is land y is comunicate etc... and when they have done some missions and want some action load your rebbel cruiser pilot (if you have 1) and let em play around with it... soon they will be begging for more:)
thats how I did it anyways
My best friend (PC-user) liked EV the first time I showed it to him.
"Can I be your gunner?" he asked as I started a new pilot to show him how it works.
"Uh... sure." I said. Shuttlecrafts got no weapons. 
Unfortunately, even though he has an old Mac in addition to his "fancy" new PC, he doesn't have the net on his Mac and he doesn't want any adapter programs. So he always plays it in my house. :rolleyes:
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