(note: Thank you, Tim -empire creator- for pesonally responding to my question. I would have emailed this one to you, but something is wrong with either my or your email right now.)
Im in the string for the Weave in which you dominate several planets. Right now im attacking Enyo Fuel Refinery and Ive killed the fleet in the system. Now I must dominate the planet for the next mission to become available. Well, it has a defense fleet that consists of the strongest ships that the empire has- some of which take over 60 torps. to take out. The problem is that the defense count is somewhere around 1705. Thats... impossible. It took 20 minutes to kill about 5 ships of the same types... Am I really expected to do this?
"Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes."