The original Escape Velocity is way too easy for me any more.
Here's how my last pilot's history whent:
- Did a few rush missions
- Bought a Defender, upgraded to two javellin launchers
- Pirated in pirate systems, looking for kestrels
- Bought a Lightning
- Stole clipper escorts (for more crew)
- Stole argosy escorts, dropped the clippers (for more crew)
- Captured a Confederate Cruiser (No joke!)
- Proceeded to capture Frigates and then Cruisers as escorts
- I now own most of the galaxy
It probably took me three game hours to get to step eight. I can defeat any ship in any ship. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging. The point, actually, is to display that even after being played out to this extent, the original EV is still quite enjoyable. One of the greatest games of Macintosh history, I believe. Anyone else have any other stories on the topic?
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