Ok Here's the deal
I was running the confed missions got the particle beam was waiting around for the alien missons, and then in some spaceport bar the rebel leaders found me and told me to be a traitor. Now under the impression that rebels are better (from all of your posts, and the fact that i can dominate any planet and the rebs don't care unless it is rebel) i accepted took out the Confed Frigate, and now i'm a role model in all Rebel places, and Most wanted in all confed ones.
Next i get the munitions misson. SO i go to ruby and do that. I return the munitions and now all i can find is missions where i deliver munitions (hehe that rhymes). What do i do now there has to be another step so i can get the cloaking device or tractor beam, or alien mission or something please help
Lefty is the name of a guy.