Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • How to stop the end game event.

      Make a new event with conditionals. The conditionals should have if strength, or stamina, is equal to or lower than 1, Change the strength or stamina to 15. Then add a call event link to all the the NPCs to call this event.

      Dragon's Games

    • Quote

      Originally posted by dragonsgames:
      Make a new event with conditionals. The conditionals should have if strength, or stamina, is equal to or lower than 1, Change the strength or stamina to 15. Then add a call event link to all the the NPCs to call this event.

      And which NPC event link would you place the call link in?

      There are only 4 NPC event links: Target reached, Target Proximity, Player Contact, and Death(of the NPC, not the player).

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    • Stopping the endgame: I don't know exactly HOW the endgame event works, but how about trying this:
      On every map create a looping animation of white tiles that links to an event:
      If stamina < 1
      Set stamina to 1000 (all they will see is zeros ;))

      How's that?

      (url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

    • Question: when the player's stamina hits 0(through a combat hit that mathematically reduces it), is there a delay between when the stamina hits 0 and the death event is run?

      If the answer is yes then creating some sort of timer to constantly check the player's stamina and up it if it hits 0 will work.

      If the answer is no then this will not work, as the player will die before their stamina is checked. In this instance, the only way around it is to create an event to not allow the player's stamina to hit 0, and place this on every weapon in your game, and then make sure every NPC has a weapon.

      Another way would be to just let the player death event be run, but stop it in the death event. Just reset the player's stamina and leave its icon alone. Then break out of the event. This should do the same thing, more or less.

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    • **


      Another way would be to just let the player death event be run, but stop it in the death event. Just reset the player's stamina and leave its icon alone. Then break out of the event. This should do the same thing, more or less.


      Nope. I tried that. I tried so many variables, that I think we're beating a dead horse (poor horse). The Player will just have to periodically save himself!!! Because when the guy is in the sky, you'll get tunneled.

      You're dead. caput. kicked the bucket. dead as a doornail. six feet under. the grim reaper has arrived. the noose has tightened. you are no more.

      -- Debra
      Danillitphil Productions

    • You should put the linked event to the player contact, then erase all damage they can do to you,and on the event, make the contional saying "if players strength or stamina is equal or more than 2, subtract 1 point from stamina or strength."

      Dragon's Games

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
      **... the only way around it is to create an event to not allow the player's stamina to hit 0, and place this on every weapon in your game, and then make sure every NPC has a weapon.


      It is possible to let the player's stamina hit 0. The "hit" event on weapons is called after the hit, but before anything else happens. If you set a conditional on this event to check if the player's Stamina is less than or equal to zero, you can call any event before the player dies, even one that resets his stamina, effectively preventing death. You could make the player immortal this way, or include a global check in the conditional that checks to see if any "last warning" globals have been set off. Our game calls a "you are mortally wounded" event that gives the player the choice to surrender or keep fighting. If you keep fighting, your Stamina is 1 and all safeguards are off.


      "I'll give the fans just what they want, and nothing else at all."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by myshkyn:
      It is possible to let the player's stamina hit 0. The "hit" event on weapons is called after the hit, but before anything else happens.

      Nice. I wasn't sure whether this was the case or not. It is good to know this.


      If you keep fighting, your Stamina is 1 and all safeguards are off.

      Very nice.

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    • Quote

      Originally posted by myshkyn:
      **... The "hit" event on weapons is called after the hit, but before anything else happens. ...

      This is the way i WILL do it when my game gets to that point. I have saved the text areas so I can this as I program(?) the game to work. You people have great ideas and it's neat the way you talk them through...

      Albadar (the learner)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Albadar:
      This is the way i WILL do it when my game gets to that point. I have saved the text areas so I can this as I program(?) the game to work. You people have great ideas and it's neat the way you talk them through...

      Just remember that, so that when you find neat and different ways to do things as you create your games you will return and share them with us too. 🙂

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