Im actually modifying the whole interface for my rpg... and I wondered if it was possible to make custom changeable portrait for the inventory... what I mean is that the inventory is a big static picture... so tha portrait should be an object like for the item slots (sword or armor or else which can have their own graphics)... I wondered if there was a possibilty of adding such a slot which could receive a picture (I thought of a little cheat there: using for example the boot slot as the portrait-thing, however, this would prevent my caracter to use boots... and boots can be unequipped)... also, another pbm: the main objectiv is that, based on an appearance caracteristic, the portrait changes (the higher the better-looking you become )... is there a way to put a condition when the user hit the inventory button so that it chooses the portrait based on the number stored in "appearance"? (this last question might be trivial for some of you but I ve bought Coldstone only 2 days ago and still havn t received the serial nor the CD with the doc so I m only guessing things for now, sorry ^_^)
anyway, thanks for any answer
God is real... unless declared integer...
Watashi wa Iori Yagami no gakuse-desu