Originally posted by Pedrith:
**Actually i have had few problems with it so far, but i have not been able to use it as much lately as I am focusing on the plot for my game. I generally create my objects, (barrels, walls, whatever) in bryce, then switch my camera view to "From the top" so that I'm looking down on my objects from above. This removes the very troublesome horizon line. I then rotate my objects so that line up with the prespective that Coldstone wants. I have an early test image and bryce file i can email you if you would like. The problem i found with this particular file is that the hero is way to big compared to the room...so i will have to resize it and fix it up a bit (um i mean finish it).
As you've figured out by now, the preset views (front, back, top, etc.) can not be tilted or angled. The better way is to go into a non-camera view and edit the camera numerically. Also, try using an extremely long telephoto lense. The longer your lense, the more the scene will flatten out. Unfortunately, there is no way (as least up to B4), to render without perspective entirely.
I'm old-fashioned, tho...I started scenery in Bryce as massive top-down shots of textured plains, then took those into PhotoShop to crop out small squares which I then made into seamless tiles using all the usual PhotoShop tools.
"I know the stranger's name."