Mr. Zealous Cloud,
I believe the point of Straytoaster was that making a post dumping on a product on that products company web space, and then proclaiming that another product on the market is a much better tool is pretty rude; which it is.
Now, I've not downloaded nor used TNT Basic, but I did take some time to go to their company's web site and poke around a bit, and I'll go through the differences since you seemed to want to only post blatantly biased/anti-CGE rhetoric.
Originally posted by Zealous Cloud:
and since this new game creator uses a language
This is correct. TNT uses an interpreted language, similar to C or basic, and programs must be written using that language. There are pros and cons to this. The pros are obviously flexibility, as you do not need to rely on someone creating objects that you can then use, etc. However the cons are that you have to learn to program. For some this just isn't an option, or a desire. Coldstone states this as one of its selling points, that you do not need to know nor learn any programming languages. Just click and go. It is a less daunting way of doing things even though it is less flexible.
(instead of a pretty interface and a ton of button-options)
Please, if you plan to use propaganda, at least make it original and not a cut and paste off of TNT's web page.
It can accomplish way more.
Depends what you intend to create. Every tool has a purpose as well as limitations. The best way to do things is to find the best tool for the job. Ie, I can use a Cray to create a program to print out "Hello World" on my monitor; but really, a $50 Apple )(e is plenty for that job. For some things Coldstone is more than adequate and much easier to use. And some things are beyond Coldstone's range. For those things you will want to use another tool.
it supports networking
Coldstone never purported to support networking. It was a feature many people asked for, but no where was it stated nor implied that it would allow networking. So while TNT supports networking and that is a very good thing, those using Coldstone are not creating networkable games. If networking was a necessity then they wouldn't be using CGE in the first place.
PLUS, if your game is any good, and you register TNT Basic (a whole 25 bucks!!), you can sell your game, unlike Coldstone
This is untrue. You can sell your games created with Coldstone. If you make them shareware then you have no worries. Price them however you want and go for it. If you plan to distribute your games commercially then you need to contact Ambrosia and work out a licensing arrangement. Since I assume you have never spoken with Ambrosia about licensing agreements, I don't believe you are knowledgeable enough to comment about it. If you are truely worried about selling a game you create/created with CGE, I would suggest that you get in contact with Ambrosia at
i just thought i'd bring this up, since Coldstone now has some big competition... enjoy.
I don't think anyone would be upset if you had posted this in a non anti-CGE manner. A simple "Hey guys, I just found this new game builder that has you build within a language environment and has networking capabilities. If you need networking and/or want the flexibility of working within a language, then you might want to check this out" would have sufficed nicely.
Coldstone, in my opinion, is a nice piece of software that fills the niche that it intended to fill. And that niche was the person who wanted to create graphically-based games but either A) didn't know how to program or
didn't want to program (I fall into category B, just as an FYI). It is made, in my opinion, primarily for beginners, to give them something that was easy to use and allowed them to create games quickly.
TNT is not for the faint of heart. Some people just get very frightened when they see arrays, procedure calls, if/than/else statements, etc. While I agree that the environment looks fairly easy to use, some people just do not want to write code. Coldstone gives them a viable alternative. TNT and Coldstone, while both game creators for the mac, are going after different audiences. They may overlap a bit, but their primary targets are different.
Please, use a little more thought in the future.
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