Originally posted by Shrout1:
** <snip>
OK, that list of extensions tells me several things about you, some of which may be mutually exclusive. These are:
a) - You have one of every laserwriter printer supported by OS 9 out of the box
- You have installed a USB card on a six year old machine (or have a pre-G3 machine with USB...... nah
c) - You are a hoarder, who doesn't throw anything away, ever.
d) - You don't have the time/energy to clean up your System Folder
e) - All/none of the above.
Sorry if any of that was offensive, but that's what that list seems to imply. Now, since I've never even heard of some of those extensions, I'm afraid I can't really tell you which could be causing the problem. At the moment, though, I'm assuming that half of them really aren't necessary, especially the Laserwriter/USB ones. I'm going to guess you have a Color StyleWriter 2500, and maybe an Epson as well.
OK. now my remedy of using only the base system may be a bit difficult, but I'd try it first and then let me know whether it helps. If not, there are a few things to try:
Trash every extension that is not used by an active application on your machine. By this, I mean an app you use at least once a month. If you have extensions there for supporting, say, Bryce, which you might use twice a year, dump them. Back them up first, maybe, but at the moment they're just wasting space.
Clear out all of the printer and gamesprocket extensions you don't use. I seriously doubt you have a dozen laser printers, as well as numerous trackpads and joysticks from at least three different companies.
Now, go through and dump everthing not vital to running the machine. Don't empty the trash if you feel you can't. but move the extensions/control panes/whatever out of your active system. You may be surprised how much snappier your machine feels once you have removed all the nonessentials, with all of the freed up system memory, and less sharing of processor time.
Now, with your nonessentials removed, try to duplicate your problems with CS. If it has dissappeared completely, then you know what the culprit was/is. If you like, you can start to do the one-by-one extension test to see if it helps, but since you've probably fallen in love with your snappier machine, you probably won't want to. 
And of course, there are two further options: delete all of Coldstone's files, prefs, apps and guides off your hard drive and do a clean install, and/or do a clean install of your system. That should do it.
Now, if after this you've spent the ten or so hours I've outlined trying to fix it, and it still hangs up on you, it's time to send an email to either Dee or Andrew, listing your problem once more. If it hasn't been fixed by now, I'm afraid it's probably a bug, and is the premise of the CS programmers, not humble me and my kill the system routine. 
But of course, you could always wait for the forthcoming patch, and hope. But I'd still do the system tests/fiddling, if not the drastic ones. Who knows, it could be something so simple that I've missed it, but that you find within five minutes of tweaking.
Best of luck Shrout! Let me know how it goes. 
"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
(This message has been edited by Tarnćlion Andiyarus (edited 03-30-2002).)