This is not Coldstone-specific (since many of the game's features have not been officially determined, or cannot be discussed), but is related. This is "things I'd like to see in an RPG (made by Coldstone, perhaps? :))" I offer this in hopes of inspiring those of you who have already begun plotting out your games...
So. Things I'd like to see in an RPG:
Initial character choice making a big difference. In games like Diablo, your character choice mainly affects what sort of combat strategy you employ. I'd like to see an RPG where NPCs react to you differently based on your class/race/alignment. "We don't serve dwarves in this inn any more. The paying customers complained about the stink. Now get out of here before I call the guards!" or "You're a paladin? Really? Would you mind taking my son as your squire?" or "I don't think I can trust a mage like you to look in on the prisoner - I can't afford to have him conveniently 'disappear.'" or ... you get the idea. One where who you are affects how people react, what plotlines are available, what opportunities you have, etc, etc.
Meaningful player choice. In other words, the complete opposite of Dragon Warrior's "Dost thou love me?" "No." "But thou must. Dost thou love me?" "No." "But thou must. Dost thou love me?" (Of course, that was an extreme example. :D) I want to see an RPG where your decisions have drastic effects on the development in the plot, not one where all you can do is affect a few lines of dialogue, or which minor characters appear in a given cutscene.
World development. Let the world change as a result of the player's actions. If he rescues a village child, let the townsfolk recognize him as a hero! If he eliminates an evil necromancer, let the surrounding withered lands slowly recover and turn green once again. If he deposes a false ruler who levied excessive taxes, let the state of the peasants change as they can once again afford to paint their homes, buy bright clothing, and sell their extra crops at fair prices. Feedback to the player is a good thing.
That's all I have right now. Anyone else?
Back in my day, we didn't have any of this here UBB nonsense. It was DiscBoard or nothing, and we liked it!
"In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane." - Mark Twain
"The answer is yes or no , depending on the interpretation." - Albert Einstein