Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Ok, I am flat out confused.

      Where were you able to sign up for the Coldstone beta? I was under the understanding that to find out when the beta was, a person should keep checking the "Upcoming" page every day and on that page when a beta would be offered, there would be a link to a page to sign up that would remain for a few days. Right now, under Coldstone's current Beta Status, it say, "in development, beta will open soon," but the beta is already closed! I am wholely confused. Could someone PLEASE enlighten me as to how I might become a beta tester (without asking of course, if you get my drift) for some upcoming game or utility. Thank you very much for your time!

      Alexis Lojek

      From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
      (url="http://"")Halo(/url), (url="http://"")Homeworld(/url), (url="http://"")Diablo II(/url), (url="http://"")Terminus(/url).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Phoenix155:
      **Where were you able to sign up for the Coldstone beta? I was under the understanding that to find out when the beta was, a person should keep checking the "Upcoming" page every day and on that page when a beta would be offered, there would be a link to a page to sign up that would remain for a few days. Right now, under Coldstone's current Beta Status, it say, "in development, beta will open soon," but the beta is already closed! I am wholely confused. Could someone PLEASE enlighten me as to how I might become a beta tester (without asking of course, if you get my drift) for some upcoming game or utility. Thank you very much for your time!

      Alexis Lojek


      I think this is how it works. First, Ambrosia starts to develop the product. This is "in development; no ETA on beta", such as EV Nova. Then they get close to a working product and put, "in development; beta will open soon", such as Coldstone. When beta testing is open, the
      page will say, "This version is in public beta -- if you're interested in participating in the public beta test, please read the release info.", such as Hera/Ares. Then, "closed, in beta" such as pop-pop; finally, the product will be released for your gaming pleasure. According to this, Coldstone will be open for beta testing soon. Hope this clears things up for you!

      - Corey, the true master of all things Pokémon and EV
      better dead than confed!!
      long live the rebellion!!

    • Actually, I don't think Coldstone will go into a public beta. Beta Testers were already selected. Read the topic "beta".

      I know Kung Fu.~Keanu Reeves

    • Beta testers were "hand-chosen" for this. There was no sign up.

      Alcohol is the cause (and solution to) all of life's problems.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by nwa728:
      **I know Kung Fu.~Keanu Reeves


      I posted this elsewhere on coldstone, I'll put it again here:

      your old sig was way cooler, and we know it.

      What happened? Lost interest in Zelda? I know that is impossible since I have liked it for a long time.

      - Corey, the true master of all things Pokémon and EV
      better dead than confed!!
      long live the rebellion!!

    • No, that was my 1st sig, and this is my 5th. I still like Zelda, I just like variety though.

      I know Kung Fu.~Keanu Reeves

    • Quote

      Originally posted by nwa728:
      **Actually, I don't think Coldstone will go into a public beta. Beta Testers were already selected. Read the topic "beta".



      Originally posted by skyblade:
      **Beta testers were "hand-chosen" for this. There was no sign up.


      What topic "beta"? Where?

      So that explains it. Phoenix155/Alexis Lojek, that should solve it completely.
      skyblade, do you know if Ragnarok will be beta tested publicly? I really want to test the PC version, and this seems like a very good way to get the bugs out.
      Actually, no need to publicize it, somebody just give me a beta version!(heh heh) 🙂

      - Corey, the true master of all things Pokémon and EV
      better dead than confed!!
      long live the rebellion!!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by nwa728:
      **No, that was my 1st sig, and this is my 5th. I still like Zelda, I just like variety though.


      Wow, that was fast. OK, fine with me. Do you have Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask?
      (We should probably go start a topic in Just Chat on this if we want to discuss it further, I think I'll go do that now...tralalalala...)

      - Corey, the true master of all things Pokémon and EV
      better dead than confed!!
      long live the rebellion!!

    • OK, there is a (url="http://"")Big Zelda discussion(/url) here. Check it out!

      - Corey, the true master of all things Pokémon and EV
      better dead than confed!!
      long live the rebellion!!

    • I meant "beta testers". sorry. and yes i have them both.

      I know Kung Fu.~Keanu Reeves

    • Quote

      Originally posted by skyblade:
      **Beta testers were "hand-chosen" for this. There was no sign up.



      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      | "Doubt is often the beginning of wisdom."

      Dr. M. Scott Peck


    • Ok. I had already read the afformentioned topic. That's how I got confused. But, I understand now. Close this topic. Sorry for the disturbance, andrew.

      From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
      (url="http://"")Halo(/url), (url="http://"")Homeworld(/url), (url="http://"")Diablo II(/url), (url="http://"")Terminus(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Phoenix155 (edited 12-21-2000).)