Where were you able to sign up for the Coldstone beta? I was under the understanding that to find out when the beta was, a person should keep checking the "Upcoming" page every day and on that page when a beta would be offered, there would be a link to a page to sign up that would remain for a few days. Right now, under Coldstone's current Beta Status, it say, "in development, beta will open soon," but the beta is already closed! I am wholely confused. Could someone PLEASE enlighten me as to how I might become a beta tester (without asking of course, if you get my drift) for some upcoming game or utility. Thank you very much for your time!
Alexis Lojek
From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
(url="http://"http://www.saturn.spaceports.com/~awl/halo/index.html")Halo(/url), (url="http://"http://www.saturn.spaceports.com/~awl/home.html")Homeworld(/url), (url="http://"http://www.saturn.spaceports.com/~awl/d2/index.html")Diablo II(/url), (url="http://"http://www.saturn.spaceports.com/~awl/terminus/termhome.html")Terminus(/url).