Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • GTW Host Order

      22 137 30469

      so we can keep things straight

      Previous hosts were:

      Game 1: darwinian (mrxak and nfreader kill everyone)
      Game 2: mrxak (Innocents kill Artanis and nfreader)
      Game 3: Mackilroy (GutlessWonder and rebelswin_85 kill everyone)
      Game 4: Mackilroy (kickme and mrxak kill everyone, but mrxak dies in the process)
      Game 5: mrxak (Innocents kill darth_vader and Mispeled)
      Game 6: darwinian (darth_vader and nfreader kill everyone)
      Game 7: nfreader (Innocents kill mrxak and prophile)
      Game 8: Mackilroy (Innocents kill 1Eevee1 and nfreader in just two rounds)
      Game 9: prophile (GutlessWonder and kickme kill everyone)
      Game 10: 1Eevee1 (mrxak kills everyone, including his cohort Eugene Chin)
      Game 11: mrxak (Eugene Chin and Mackilroy kill everyone, but Eugene Chin doesn't live long after that)
      Game 12: Mackilroy (Innocents kill Dark Jet, GutlessWonder, and Manta)
      Game 13: nfreader (nfreader kills everyone)
      Game 14: kickme (Innocents kill Anon and Mackilroy, by coin flip)
      Game 15: Mackilroy (Eugene Chin and SoItBegins kill everyone)
      Game 16: mrxak (Innocents kill darth_vader and RJC Ultra)
      Game 17: SoItBegins (SoItBegins kills everyone)
      Game 18: mrxak (Innocents kill kickme, Mackilroy, and nfreader)
      Game 19: Manta (Innocents kill the dictators through behind-the-scenes PMs)
      Game 20: Rickton (dictators quit out of frustration, innocents win)
      Game 21: darth_vader (terrorists win, 1Eevee1 sole survivor)
      Game 22: SoItBegins (Mafia wins, survivors RJC Ultra, 1Eevee1, lemonyscapegoat)
      Game 23: darwinian (Innocents kill Hypochondriac, JacaByte, and SoItBegins)
      Game 24: mrxak (Innocents kill jrsh92, kickme, prophile, and Templar98921)
      Game 25: kickme (dictators win, Innocents kill mrxak and Mackilroy, but Eugene Chin and nfreader survive)
      Game 26: prophile (werevolves win in a landslide)
      Game 27: Mackilroy (The terrorists kill everyone, but SoItBegins survives)
      Game 28: JacaByte (terrorists win)
      Game 29: mrxak (innocents win, Mack and SoItBegins are killed)
      Game 30: RJC Ultra (terrorists win, Eugene Chin survives)
      Game 31: orcaloverbri9 (innocents win)

      The host order for the next few games is:

      Game 32: Mack

      Floating hosts:


      Let's use this topic to form and keep track of the hosting queue. I'll keep updating this post (or another moderator here can) whenever somebody else signs up to host, or whatever. If it's bolded , it's the game that's going to start next, if it's italicized , it's tentative.

    • I'll host a game when the summer break comes rolling in, so that will be around GTW 25 or so depending on how long these 15+ player games last. Note that my volunteering for a hosting position is subject to change due to future events that I might not see coming.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 17 February 2008 - 04:17 PM

    • I wouldn't mind hosting another joke game, running alongside a normal game, but eh.

      ...Stop glaring at me, it'll be fun.

    • I'll be keeping track as well, and I've also stickied it, not that it's likely to fall into the shuffle...

    • @mackilroy, on Feb 17 2008, 09:48 PM, said in GTW Host Order:

      I'll be keeping track as well, and I've also stickied it, not that it's likely to fall into the shuffle...

      I don't know -- the DEFCON board is pretty busy. Wouldn't want it to get lost. 😉


    • Heh, I didn't see it below the stickies, and got confused for a while there.

    • I did not kill everyone! Eugene Chin and mrxak killed everyone. I only killed the last two.

    • I'll host sometime again as well. Like I mentioned in the other thread.

    • @jacabyte, on Feb 17 2008, 10:16 PM, said in GTW Host Order:

      I'll host a game when the summer break comes rolling in, so that will be around GTW 25 or so depending on how long these 15+ player games last. Note that my volunteering for a hosting position is subject to change due to future events that I might not see coming.

      Good idea, me too.

    • I'd like to try my hand at hosting. I want to wait for a while though. There are a few new concepts I am thinking about putting in, but I want to see if they might be too much by watching how the other people host. Don't worry, no invincible roles, the changes have more to do with how you kill me I kill you, investigator, and protector roles end up working out.
      The end effects won't be much different in the end, though.

    • You've been added to the list, Buffalo. 🙂

    • Append me, sir.

    • You should probably avoid planning games too far ahead; otherwise people who want to host games in a while will find that it's going to be at least half a year before they get a chance..

    • But somebody might be willing to move back a spot to let someone else host. Take me and RJC Ultra, for instance, who both want to host during the summer time.

    • I'll take that into account and modify the first post for floaters.

      prophile, you've been added, and I'll also note all the italicized people are tentative hosts, not guaranteed ones. Still, that's a good point, and maybe we can stop once we get to, say, ten-fifteen games ahead of the current one.

    • Throw in my name for a floating host. I can host any time unless I'm in Florida for that time, and I usually know about Florida trips a couple of months in advance.

    • Manta added.

    • I've updated the first post with the results of Game 19 and indicated the next host/game.

    • But you didn't list who those dictators were, shame shame!

    • Yeah, shame!