Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Werewolf Game - Game 26

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      Day Five: Kebabilroy. Game Over, Wolves Win.

      The 12 remaining villagers sat in the square, looking nervously at each other. Of the hundred or so that had once lived there, they were all that were left: seven days ago, the first attacks had begun, in the dead of night, with the howl of wolves and crosses written in the victims' own blood on their doors. The conclusion was inescapable - werewolves were living among the villagers. They had been sitting there for five hours before the uneasy silence was broken.

      "SoItBegins did it," began darth_vader.
      "There's no proof of that!" interrupted RJC Ultra , jumping to his friend's defence. "For all we know, you could be the wolf."
      "I think it's safe to assume that there is more than one wolf," stated kickme solemnly, "I know about these things."
      There was a general nodding. kickme could read, and certainly knew about these things.
      "I think we should lynch darth_vader," said SoItBegins , "he had no reason to attack me - it's most suspicious!"
      "I think we should all calm down," boomed mrxak , in his wonderful sonorous voice, "and I'll write some haikus."
      "Haikus will do us no good!" ejaculated Eugene Chin in his ridiculous high-pitched squeak. "We should draw straws!"
      "That's hardly fair," argued Shlimazel , "some of us are certainly human!"
      "Worse, rumour has it there is a psychic among us as well as wolves," said JacaByte.
      "Bugrit, millenium hand and shrimp," said Templar , to another round of nodding and general sounds of agreement.
      "Why don't we lynch one person each day? The wolves won't risk more than one kill per night surely, so we can slowly beat them," said jrsh92 evenly.
      "It's a risky strategy, but it just might work! Wakka wakka!" exclaimed Rebelious.
      "Well, it's the best plan we have," said Mackilroy. "Let's do this!"
      "The grawney man," added Templar.


      Okay, everyone, Game 26! This will not be GTW. In fact, it will be TWG - The Werewolf Game.

      Normal rules apply. Feel entirely free to PM each other, but do NOT show the contents of PMs in public discussion and do not disclose my PMs to you. You may lynch one person each day, with ties settled by no lynch, giving the wolves a free kill. There are 3 werewolves, 1 seer, and 1 vigilante.

      Inactive players can be smited from on high, at my discretion.

      I will not reveal anything about roles publically until the end of the game, unless the vigilante chooses to reveal himself, in which case I will confirm this. Don't read anything else into my story.

      Eugene Chin
      RJC Ultra

      One in-game day is equal to one real-time day, ending at 8PM GMT.

      This post has been edited by prophile : 13 July 2008 - 05:15 PM

    • Well, this promises to be interesting.

      Good luck everyone!

    • You're playing, so it's counter intuitive to tell everyone "good luck."

    • No nukes? What kind of heresy is this?

      Retracted SoItBegins, you are responsible for inspiring this heresy, with Game 22!

      @prophile, on Jul 4 2008, 12:24 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      ejaculated Eugene Chin in his ridiculous high-pitched squeak

      I will find a way to make you pay for this.

      But seriously, somebody's got to kick things off; and since we all know mrxak loves to cast the first vote, I'm stealing his thunder.

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 04 July 2008 - 05:53 PM

    • Eugene Chin, I do not appreciate attacks on another council member (tribal council?) simply because of the way that they hosted a previous game. Previous games have no influence over future games whatsoever, and I hope my fellow council members will see this as well.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 04 July 2008 - 04:34 PM

    • You're right about past games having no bearing on current ones.

      You're also Very fast to jump on somebody who makes himself an easy target, JacaByte.

    • What's that, he who has a high pitched, squeaky voice? You were the easy target?

    • @jacabyte, on Jul 4 2008, 09:45 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      What's that, he who has a high pitched, squeaky voice? You were the easy target?

      I know what can happen when I let out-of-game reasoning motivate my vote.
      Might I remind you that I was lynched once before for letting my passions get the better of me?
      It derailed any reasoning in the first round of that game.

      Do you think I would risk the same without a reason?
      I call that reason the Manta Ploy.

      Of course, I shouldn't have to remind you of this. You were there.
      Were you aiming at a repeat performance? It certainly seems easy enough to do.
      After all, it worked once before! Maybe you thought you could pull it off again without attracting attention?
      And again: you were very quick to seize the opportunity.

      Oh. As long as you're throwing prophile's words at me, it's high-pitched, squeaky, ejaculatory voice.

      (EDIT) The implications of prophile's word choice are as unfortunate as they are unavoidable, Mack. If prophile says I'm ejaculating when I speak, the why? and the how? become painfully obvious questions with painfully obvious answers. If you're going to edit the implications from my posts, you may as well remove the source of those implications from prophile's post.

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 04 July 2008 - 11:35 PM
      Reason for edit: that last bit was kind of unnecessary, don't you think?

    • Uh, wut?

    • Wiktionary - see the second and third definitions, Eugene Chin.

    • prophile's correct, ejaculating is also a method of speaking. I won't edit your posts again, though (unless you deserve it :p).

      I feel like randomly voting for kickme since I've no clue who to vote for.

    • @eugene-chin, on Jul 4 2008, 06:52 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      You're right about past games having no bearing on current ones.

      You're also Very fast to jump on somebody who makes himself an easy target, JacaByte.

      @eugene-chin, on Jul 4 2008, 11:45 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      I know what can happen when I let out-of-game reasoning motivate my vote.
      Might I remind you that I was lynched once before for letting my passions get the better of me?
      It derailed any reasoning in the first round of that game.

      Do you think I would risk the same without a reason?
      I call that reason the Manta Ploy.

      Wait, so you're making yourself an easy target and you're mad about other people voting for you? How about not making yourself an easy target instead? Also, if I'm understanding it correctly, that second post is implying that you have some REASON to vote for SIB, but seeing as how even the IA has no information until the END of the first round, that is completely incorrect. You're voting on a grudge, and calling out people who call you out on that behavior. I'm not sure if this could really be called "wolf behavior" but you're certainly being a dick.
      Eugene Chin , shut up or die.

      This post has been edited by jrsh92 : 05 July 2008 - 09:22 AM

    • Maybe he's rabid! That's a scary thought, a rabid werewolf....

      But jrsh92 is right. You have no real reason to vote for SIB, Eugene Chin. And a desire for revenge is a motive that makes me nervous. I don't normally like to vote without evidence or reason, but I wil vote for YOU because I think his vote is unreasonable. If he changes his vote then I will as well. After all, we're here to kill werewolves, not villagers.

      This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 05 July 2008 - 11:33 AM

    • @shlimazel, on Jul 5 2008, 04:39 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      But jrsh92 is right. You have no real reason to vote for SIB, Eugene Chin. And a desire for revenge is a motive that makes me nervous. I don't normally like to vote without evidence or reason, but I wil vote for Eugene Chin because I think his vote is unreasonable. If he changes his vote then I will as well. After all, we're here to kill werewolves, not villagers.

      You know, he already did that before you posted. And I have(like most of the time) no idea who to vote for, although Templar looks mentally unstable to me.

    • @eugene-chin, on Jul 4 2008, 09:45 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      Do you think I would risk the same without a reason?
      I call that reason the Manta Ploy.

      Manta's Ploy appears to require three people. Person A votes for Person B, Person C votes for Person A, and then Person A turns the gun around on Person C. I only see two people in this picture; you and me. So I don't think I'm trying to pull a Manta Ploy.

      @eugene-chin, on Jul 4 2008, 09:45 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      Of course, I shouldn't have to remind you of this. You were there.

      The links for the Manta Ploy went to GTW 23, while this link goes to GTW 18. I don't understand how that makes chronological sense with that last sentence taken into account, but I did play in GTW 23. That aside, in GTW 18, I was an Intelligence Agent.

      Of course, in GTW 23 I was a terrorist, so I can kinda see what you're getting at.

      @eugene-chin, on Jul 4 2008, 09:45 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      Were you aiming at a repeat performance? It certainly seems easy enough to do.
      After all, it worked once before! Maybe you thought you could pull it off again without attracting attention?
      And again: you were very quick to seize the opportunity.

      In GTW 23, we got hosed by the IA. I don't think that's what I'd call "not attracting attention."

      I was very quick to seize the opportunity this game because it's the first round, and it's very difficult to figure out who's who during the first round of a GTW game as a rule. Who knows; we've got 12 players this game, I have a 1 out of 6 chance of randomly picking a terrorist to vote for. (Assuming there are two wolves on the loose.) I'd call those pretty good odds, and if I can get you talking, I can probably narrow that down even further.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 05 July 2008 - 10:41 AM

    • @jrsh92, on Jul 5 2008, 10:21 AM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      Wait, so you're making yourself an easy target and you're mad about other people voting for you? How about not making yourself an easy target instead?

      Because then the wolves won't blow their own cover.


      Also, if I'm understanding it correctly, that second post is implying that you have some REASON to vote for SIB, but seeing as how even the IA has no information until the END of the first round, that is completely incorrect.

      I've basically admitted by now that the only reason behind voting SIB was to bait out responses.

      And what I was stating in the second post was that that my reason for voting SIB was to draw attention to myself, and see who took the bait. Who said anything about the I.A.? Manta wasn't one when he tried this, and he nailed a terrorist with it.

      @shlimazel, on Jul 5 2008, 10:39 AM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      But jrsh92 is right. You have no real reason to vote for SIB, Eugene Chin. And a desire for revenge is a motive that makes me nervous. I don't normally like to vote without evidence or reason, but I will vote for Eugene Chin because I think his vote is unreasonable. If he changes his vote then I will as well. After all, we're here to kill werewolves, not villagers.

      Since I'm not actually voting against SIB, it's odd to see Shlimazel and jrsh92 echoing this same argument, which basically dismisses everything I've said.


      Eugene Chin, shut up or die.

      Interesting thing to say, considering absence and silence can only serve to protect the wolves. You did see how the last game ended, yes?

      @jacabyte, on Jul 5 2008, 11:40 AM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      Manta's Ploy appears to require three people. Person A votes for Person B, Person C votes for Person A, and then Person A turns the gun around on Person C. I only see two people in this picture; you and me. So I don't think I'm trying to pull a Manta Ploy.

      Person A: Eugene Chin
      Person B: SoItBegins
      Person 😄 JacaByte

      With Shlimazel and jrsh92 hammering in about how voting for SIB was bad of me, even when I'm not voting for him anymore, I don't see how you could forget his presence in this so easily.

      Was not your own vote against me because of my vote for SoItBegins?


      In GTW 23, we got hosed by the IA. I don't think that's what I'd call "not attracting attention."

      And yet Manta caught on to Hypochondriac even before LNSU ever investigated Hypo.
      Hypo was evil that game.
      My point thus stands.

      Odd. The section you quoted there, I thought I was talking about my lynching in Game 18. I should have arranged that better.


      This link goes to GTW 18. I don't understand how that makes chronological sense with that last sentence taken into account, but I did play in GTW 23. That aside, in GTW 18, I was an Intelligence Agent.

      The link to Game 18 was to elaborate on the "Easy Target" statements. My argument is: You know I've been killed by this once before, and you think it would be simple to kill me with it again without drawing attention onto yourself.

      I often find that terrorists will often try to dismiss a victim's arguments without considering them, or to misrepresent them as something completely different.
      I say I'm baiting by making myself a target.
      Shlimazel and jrsh92 say I have a grudge against SIB, and should stop voting for him.
      I've long since switched my vote from SIB.
      JacaByte says it's just between me and him;

      Even though the SIB vote was his reason for gunning for me.
      Even though Shlimazel and jrsh92 are still expounding on the SIB vote even now.

      @jacabyte, on Jul 5 2008, 11:40 AM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      We've got 12 players this game, I have a 1 out of 6 chance of randomly picking a terrorist to vote for. (Assuming there are two wolves on the loose.) I'd call those pretty good odds, and if I can get you talking, I can probably narrow that down even further.

      @prophile, on Jul 4 2008, 12:24 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      There are 3 werewolves, 1 seer, and 1 vigilante.

      Your math is a little off.

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 05 July 2008 - 11:10 AM

    • Oh, hey. You did change your vote! Whoops!


    • Mackilroy for doing the first random vote, and for (if I understand it right) editing or deleting somebody's post for some reason. Also, I have no idea what Eugene Chin is screaming about, but it seems thin.

    • He's just ejaculating again, mrxak...

      @eugene-chin, on Jul 5 2008, 10:04 AM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      Person A: Eugene Chin
      Person B: SoItBegins
      Person 😄 JacaByte

      I'm sorry, I missed a step; Person B has to vote for Person A after Person A has voted for Person B. I'll let you slide on this one; I'm pretty much writing the rules of this ploy as I go along.

      @eugene-chin, on Jul 5 2008, 10:04 AM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      With Shlimazel and jrsh92 hammering in about how voting for SIB was bad of me, even when I'm not voting for him anymore, I don't see how you could forget his presence in this so easily.

      Was not your own vote against me because of my vote for SoItBegins?

      I see this as an attempt to slide under the gun. You're saying that since you've retracted your vote for SIB, that I should retract my vote for you? Sorry, not going to happen. After all, you retracted your vote for SIB and changed it to me, of course.

      @eugene-chin, on Jul 5 2008, 10:04 AM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      And yet Manta caught on to Hypochondriac even before LNSU ever investigated Hypo.
      Hypo was evil that game.
      My point thus stands.

      I guess it does.

      @eugene-chin, on Jul 5 2008, 10:04 AM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      The link to Game 18 was to elaborate on the "Easy Target" statements. My argument is: You know I've been killed by this once before, and you think it would be simple to kill me with it again without drawing attention onto yourself.
      I often find that terrorists will often try to dismiss a victim's arguments without considering them, or to misrepresent them as something completely different.
      I say I'm baiting by making myself a target.
      Shlimazel and jrsh92 say I have a grudge against SIB, and should stop voting for him.
      I've long since switched my vote from SIB.
      JacaByte says it's just between me and him;

      Even though the SIB vote was his reason for gunning for me.
      Even though Shlimazel and jrsh92 are still expounding on the SIB vote even now.

      The problem is that you, when you're a terrorist, usually have a habit of demonize your attackers, and painting yourself as a victim. It worked last game, why not this game?

      @eugene-chin, on Jul 5 2008, 10:04 AM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      Your math is a little off.

      Does that help you any? You now have a 25% chance of being a terrorist.

    • @mrxak, on Jul 5 2008, 12:25 PM, said in The Werewolf Game - Game 26:

      Mackilroy for doing the first random vote, and for (if I understand it right) editing or deleting somebody's post for some reason. Also, I have no idea what Eugene Chin is screaming about, but it seems thin.

      I edited Eugene Chin's post because of some less than tasteful (considerably less than tasteful) commentary.

      However, if I die because of your vote then you'll put your enemies that much closer to winning. Up to you.